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marine armor with taclight helmet and more


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Please somebody make this soon!


Marine armor with better textures for all three variants and a dam taclight WTF beth? only the mining helmet gets a dam head lamp mod?



Helmet options


taclight with the usual asortment of colors


targeting hud


recon hud


The visor color could change depending on what targeting options are used for example the default blue for recon hud and red for targeting hud



Armor options


Take the bags off and use them as a graphic upgrade to the pocketed and deep pocketed upgrades.


Some camo textures options like in cca mod and if possible a logo somewhere but I doubt there is any room for it on the armor.



I took a look at the meshes for the helmet and compared them to the meshes from custom combat armor mod and there is a light source thing in the cca mod but nothing at all in the default marine helmet. Dam I wish I knew how to make this already.


The armor feels dam near useless without a taclight and targeting options.


The color of the assault armor is really good it looks "marine" just look up old marine equipment from past wars it looks great actually just all that dam rust and washed out areas have to go. Wear and tear can be done better than default and the atom textures look the worst of all.

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Well dam!!!



Now you just need to get with this guy and make one mod together: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14493/?


There is another thread here where someone is trying to fix the feet meshes. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4458065-marine-armor-is-missing-its-feet/page-2

Edited by dragonslayer2k12
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