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Replace all bugs (e.g Radroaches, bloodbugs, ect)


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A pretty basic request considering that the creation kit is out.


Comments telling me to "*man up*" or "*stop being a child*" will be completely ignored. Ive tried to do this myself but it replaced radroachs with Floating Heads and then when i tried a different method it just made them completely invisible but still there. I want a mod to Replace them with another enemy (Either Mole Rats or Raiders). My main priority is removing Stingwings, bloodbugs, and radroachs. Ive had one person manage to make this mod for me that replaced everything with molerats, but the problem with his mod was that all the molerats spawned dead, so he decided to delete the mod before he sent it to me....

I would be beyond grateful if someone could make this mod for me as soon as possible so that i can finally go back to playing fallout 4 with no worries

Things I want replaced:

  1. Bloodbugs
  2. Stingwings
  3. Radroaches
  4. Rad-scorpions
  5. Bloatflys
Edited by KatsyTheSavage
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