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Where is the hook for Phantom's always-concealed state in non-concealed missions?


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I created an ability that is similar to Phantom, but with some additional properties. While it does keep its owner concealed when the group is spotted, I just noticed that it is not bestowing automatic concealment at level start on those missions in which the group doesn't start concealed. This leads me to think that there's code somewhere that is checking not for the presence of "X2Effect_StayConcealed," but for the actual ability itself.


I'm trying to find where this is designated, assuming it's true, so that I can add my new ability to that check and replicate the effect. Does anyone know if I can do this or where I should look?

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In X2TacticalGameRuleset.ApplyStartOfMatchConditions() and SeqAct_SpawnUnitFromAvenger (for base defense) the game manually calls EnterConcealment() on phantoms if the mission starts without it.


Since I don't think you can get in there you might want to try an event listener for OnTacticalBeginPlay.

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What sort of additional properties did you add? I played around with Phantom a bit while trying to get a stealth mod working and the most I could do was tack on an automatic overwatch shot when concealment was broken.

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Thanks Prowler, appreciate the info.


Kregano, I didn't do anything dramatic. I just set the user to have damage, crit and aim bonuses while in concealment. Your automatic overwatch shot idea sounds pretty cool.

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