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Compass and quest markers


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Ok i just wanted to share a thought and see if anyone feels the same way.


When I eventually get to the end of the tutorial dungeon/cave or whatever, I plan on disabling the hud if I can. Now I mean all of it, I think I heard a while ago that you could get rid of the hud as far as your health stamina etc meters but not the compass. Well I want to get rid of it all! nothing on my screen no compass no quest markers no nothing. I want this game to take me frickin ages to finish lol


I don't care if i spend most of the time frustrated because i dont know what im doing or where im going, because in my opinion its better than having a journal the knows everything already and a character that knows exactly where this supposed "hidden cave" is.

If i cant get rid of the compass and quest markers i'm just gonna have to stick some tape on my screen so i cant see it lol

at least until a mod comes out that will sort it out.


Anyways my views aside.. what do you guys think?

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I liked the Oblivion markers, although it made the game quite easy and simple. But I will most likely use the markers, since they will have updated them and they will be essential for questing I think.
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i still want the compass pointing me north or east etc!


and with clairvoyance spell you can also find your way


so markers off yes! also fast travel, carriage ride is fine



oh yeah i forgot about the clairvoyance spell. and i agree with the fast travel. i dont want that either but i just know i'll be tempted with it like crazy (no self control)

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