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Hair in Skyrim static or natural?


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The hair of the horse moves. Why not the humanoids' :P


The horse's hair and tail are actually very cleverly keyframed. It's not dynamic- there are many ways you can test this and see for yourself.


It's bizarre, really, that they would keyframe horse hair and banners, instead of just allowing the game to use proper cloth physics in realtime. What were they thinking?


They were thinking "how can we update an old engine to use newer environmental tricks?" The creation engine is certainly a capable engine for designing a good sandbox world, but it still has a lot of pitfalls since it's a heavily modified version of Gamebryo. Personally, I'm just happy that the hair this time around isn't a bunch of crummy designs (I'm looking at you Fallout!). It's not the best in the world, but it's better than previous BethSoft games. I'm not sure if the the .nif format can handle something like flowing hair, or even flowing dresses. It would be nice if there could be a plug-in that would allow it, but that's probably not high up on BethSoft's priority list right now.


And knowing Bethesda, they would try to implement some form of hair/cloth physics and it would all be wonky and probably manage to kill the PC.

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