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Entertainingly strange ED-E glitchs


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This started happening my previous playthrough and its basically a series of incredibly strange but linked ED-E glitches:


1. ED-E will stay still and not fight during combat.


2. ED-E refuses to use ranged weapons(Everytime you switch him to "Use Ranged" he will change back to use melee)


3. He has a reference ID from a mod. I know this because when you click on him in console (Right now hes ff001a89). Spawning any version of him(Regualr, upgrade Armor, and upgrade gun) will all spawn him with a REF ID indicating he is from a mod.



I have lonesome road installed but that dosen't touch ED-E, the only other one I have is something called ED-E heavy weapons and disabling that does nothing.


1&2 are most commonly caused by him not having the proper gear he is supposed to have, but I checked and he definitely has everything.


EDIT: Oh! He also has some non-vanilla dialog options like "Let me access your multitools" Which opens a workbench and "Could you help me craft some ammo?" Which opens an ammo bench.

Edited by yroc1234
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That helps, but heres the Really Really strange part. I disabled Lonesome road and they are still there and so is the weird REF ID ED-E. I also checked to be sure it isn't because of a merged patch and it isn't. Does anyone know if theres a way that I can see the mod order number instead of the FF in game or just any way of finding out what is causing this strange modded ED-E replacement to spawn instead of the correct one?


EDIT: Found the file that was keeping the lonesome road changes but he is still the strange REF ID ED-E and he still has all the other problems.

Edited by yroc1234
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