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IDK what is causing this.


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This,the above,is constantly happening on all my download pages but as you can see they've already been downloaded so...Something is wrong here,"what it is ain't exactly clear".... :wink:




The icon on the tab suggests that i'm on Fallout 3 Nexus but i'm actually on Fallout 4.When i get the F3 icon i have to refresh because the page becomes unresponsive.

Been happening all day...


EDIT:Wasn't the Nexus Fallout 4 icon BLUE or have i been hallucinating again?Hey it was the 60's flashbacks are quite common with some of us old codgers..



Its the middle of the night UK time, please do not bump threads'



Edited by micalov
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Ok, first, what did i bump? I made an edit but i didn't consider that a bump and the orange text what does that symbolize?Power?Arrogance?I'm lost on the intentions of that comment.


I'm trying to understand exactly how i went astray.. Have i done something wrong?By posting here then editing does that mean i've committed some sort of offense?"In the middle of the night UK time?"I don't get it,i don't live in the UK what sort of sensitivity should i be giving those that live in the UK that i neglected?Please help me understand.Did i wake someone up in the UK? If so i'm very sorry please forgive my impertinence.


Mr. AxelDominatoR i have not checked within the last hour but i have been experiencing these anomalies for the past several days.Given the present attitude of your esteemed fellow,Mr.Micalov, i withdraw my post and shall agree to never report another problem to this forum in the future.Sorry for your inconvenience. Thank you Gandalf.

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@bumping issue:


You didn't edit your original post, you created two new replies to it (which have since been hidden by Micalov) that "bumped" your topic to the top of the forum section again. Generally, we don't allow this.


Rule here for reference:


Do not bump topics
Bumping is posting in a thread to simply "bump" it back to the top of the forum listings with no additional or useful content. An exception to this rule is topics about technical issues: in such cases the original poster is permitted to refresh the topic once after a few days have passed without any comments from other Nexus members.

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Thanks for reporting the glitch! Unfortunately I cannot seem to be able to reproduce the issue. Are you still experiencing the same problem right now?



There's been another author experiencing this inside the Mod Authors' section, for what it's worth: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4464280-old-file-suddenly-not-available-on-the-server/



@OP: The orange pen is the official signal of moderator action done to your post/topic, marked inside your post so not to derail the topic by leaving an off-topic post inside it instead. And the "middle of the night UK time" was likely because the site owner and most of the tech staff is living in the UK and thus asleep for several hours still when you posted, and bumped... but that's just guessing.

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Ok,sorry guys,i received,as a gift, a very expensive bottle of bourbon yesterday that i was going to save for a special occasion but....I don't even remember making any posts other than my original one so mea culpa.I didn't mean to bump, i guess i was just being a little playful,it was some amazingly smooth bourbon.If it's any consolation i awoke feeling like utter crap this morning and my girlfriend is on my case for getting drunk.In the future i'll try to stay away when i'm in the bag.



Edited by gandalftw
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