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Shrapnel weapon overhaul or Book of Earache?


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HELP ME! i am obsessed by weapons and the last mod (maybe) about weapons is an overhaul. However, i fell for 2 overhauls: Book of Earache (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41626) and Shrapnel weapon overhaul (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37342) Which one do most people think is the "best" all together?
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I like http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37002 Classic Fallout Weapons myself.

Adds a fair number of new energy weapons, and basicly all the weapons are from other fallout games, So its not just randomly picked weapons. Does not modify any other parts of the game either other then adding weapons, and thats always nice.

Still being updated, Infact a new version was updated just a few days ago!


it also works with my mod CASE ( http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43915 ), that adds over 200 new ammo subtypes to the game..

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