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construction set help


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pls help me when i make an mod from the cs it doesnt work on my comp but others esp's does work at me and i cant seem to make interiors and houses srry if im a total modding noob i cant help it ican learn things very hard i cant learnthings good but if i keep trying it will but pls help me ????????
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the mods show up in the list but when i activate em nothing has changed in the game and 1 other thing i also cant make good mods all that im good at is makin weird camps and filling crates with overpowerd stuff and loot XD


maybe you could stick to that and just give others your ideas, for all everyone knows you may be a better conceptualizer... please don't take that as an insult

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srry for my typing im not an good writer or typer but that mod stuff idk how to upload em and the first mod i made was just for vainlla oblivion with no mods installed onlyoblivion esm nuthin more and i even dont kno how to instal textures and meshes i kno it a lil bit maybe its my cs i have the newest 1 or its my compi have windows vista allother esp's work but mine dont work and what must i use to make new armor and weps like textures icons and meshes and im not good at makin houses too i can place em but interoirscantmake em and doors suk at me too XD
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I'm sorry, I really would like to help you, but I honestly don't know what your problem is, other than your mod won't work.


What does your mod do, first of all? Secondly, does it have any new meshes or textures- that's what it sounds like, and you're not sure where you need to put them. Explain it all from the beginning, and maybe I'll be able to help you :)

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if all you can do is make camps and put things in crates i wouldn't recommend editing textures or meshes yet. i would start by doing my first dugeon or if you've all ready done that just search around the wiki for some other begginer tutorials. i recommend my first race as you get a sense of acheivement from making your own race.


because you can't get you .esp to work i think you should read carefully while doing these, if your .esp still doesn't do anything then reply back to this.


what you could do is upload the .esp onto this thread as an attachment so we could test it and see whhat is wrong.

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