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Dual monitor support?


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This is probably an improbability and I know it, but I still think it's worth asking...


Is it at all possible to mod the game in a way that allows it to use a 2nd monitor for things like constant Map view? Because I for one am tired of constantly having to open the map view in order to figure out where I am and where I'm going. If it was permanently displayed on another monitor with my location and objectives displayed, I'd simply just glance over to it without it interrupting my gameplay.


I really wish more games would support multiple monitors.

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I use 4 monitors and have never once required games to be Multi-monitor compliant. that's the display driver and OS selections.


I am wondering if there is more to this question?

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The game doesn't use more than 1 monitor unless maybe you're able to stretch it for a wider view, I don't think that's supported either since I didn't see that option, but w/e, that's a different topic. What I'm referring to is just having 1 monitor dedicated to constant map view and the other monitor being normal use. That way, you no longer need to bring up the map all the time.


Next time, plz read the entire post before replying. It wasn't excessively long to begin with, so there's no excuse.

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Being rude isn't the best way to go about getting help turg, you might want to reel it in there. Purr4me probably just didn't catch the question.

In answer, no there's no mod like this and there likely never will be because of the huge resource requirement and the lag from constantly polling position data.

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I did say plz. Besides, I have little to no patience for ppl who refuse to read the post in it's entirety.


All I'm doing is throwing a great idea out there which I'd imagine a lot of ppl would try it out, my dishonest kindness and begging isn't going to change anything. Modders will either make it if they can and if they think it's worth it or they won't / can't.

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When you have the map up, it polls a lot of information, your complete position, direction et cetera. Now, that takes a moment in and of itself. Translating that information to the map which is flash-based(very resource intensive and inefficient) takes a tad longer, hence why the map doesn't instantly load when you select open it.

Now, if you tried to do this in real time, a la a plugin that makes a new window running just that flash element, it would take up those resources, plus those of the active game; not good.

Then there's the position data itself. You'd have to poll for it often, which is basically running a script for the information. While the game is paused that's fine, it runs pretty fast since nothing else is happening. But in real time, it would be competing with the in-game run scripts for resources. This is VERY bad, not only will it almost assuredly slow the whole game down to unplayable levels from all the resources used altogether but also, because this means other scripts will likely get shunted out or fail to run or stop partway through etc.

I believe something like this was getting worked on for a mini-map mod a long while back, but the modder came to the conclusion that it would be unreliable or just not work in normal play.

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Hmm... that's really unfortunate, could have been really nice to have. And ya, I was actually thinking about a mini-map as alternative.


Oh well, I tried. Thank you for your time and well presented explanation.

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