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Using Unique Player (id 16470)


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I put the .nif file produced by BodySlide into the PlayerCharacterAssets folder. That smeared up the skins. BodySlide only produces the one .nif file; and does not produce any .dds files. So I'm still a little lost.


But I certainly appreciate all the assistance. I'm not in a big hurry to get this right. At this point, I kind of want to get this right just for the sake of learning.


I've since learned that Jane Bod uses the body saved by the boots. So whatever boots the PC (or Follower, or Settler) has on, that's the body they have. All other clothing is secondary (and may or may not fit properly). So in a way, as long as my PC has on a certain pair of boots, that IS a unique player - so to speak.

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OK, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna make our version of unique player ready to install/uninstall on demand. I think there's a good chance you're putting things in the wrong place, so we're to simplify things. There's only one mesh and one texture folder in Janebod and one mesh and one texture folder in UniquePlayer. So we're going to do all the moving pre-install.


First off uninstall janebod and uninstall unique player. Now go into the game and make sure that both you and NPCs have the vanilla bodies. If that's works we're ready to begin. If they are not, then post back and we'll figure out what's gone wrong,


1. Create a folder on your desktop. Name it "workspace."

2. Navigate to your NMM download folder. The default location, I believe, is C:Games/Nexus Mod Manager/Fallout 4/mods.

3. Copy Jane Bod Rev-8288-17-1.7z and UniquePlayer - Main File-3718-0-40.7z to Workspace.


This is our save point. If at any point, something goes wrong, delete everything in Workspace except for these two archives.


4. Extract Unique Player. *Do not* extract Janebod.


Workspace should now include: the two archives, a meshes folder, a textures folder and UniquePlayer.esp.


4A. If it instead contains the two archives and a UniquePlayer folder move all the contents of that folder--meshes, textures and UniquePlayer.esp--to workspace. Then delete the now empty folder.

5. Now open--not extract--the Jane Bod archive. Drag the "tools" folder and JaneBod.esp to workspace.


Workspace should now include: the two archives, two .esps (JaneBod.esp and UniquePlayer.esp) and three folders (Meshes, Textures and Tools).


6. Within the Jane Bod archive navigate to the end of the mesh tree. There should be a femalebody.nif file inside meshes/actors/character/charaterassests.

7. Move that file to actors/character/PlayerCharacterAssests in the meshes folder. If you've done it right, your PC will tell you that file's already there. Select copy and replace.

8. Within the Jane Bod archive navigate to the end of the texture tree. There should be a whole set of .dds files inside textures/actors/character/basehumanfemale.

9. Move the FemaleBody_ files to actors/character/PlayerHumanFemale in the textures folder. If you've done it right, your PC will tell you that file's already there. Select copy and replace.

10. Now select everything in workspace except for the two archives and make an archive out of them. Name it CustomizedUniquePlayer or something.

11. Move that archive to your NMM download folder (C:Games/Nexus Mod Manager/Fallout 4/mods)

12. Start (or restart if it's already open) NMM. Install CustomUniquePlayer (or whatever you've named it).

13. Start the game. make sure that your character is using the Jane Bod and that no one else is.


If all that works then it's time to screw around with bodyslide. Do what you want with that and then


14. Move the .nif it creates to meshes/actors/character/PlayerCharacterAssests. If you've done it right, your PC will tell you that file's already there. Select copy and replace.

15. Check in game. If it's working you're done. If, on the other hand, you and only you character are glitched out and if everything was working to this point, then it's a bodyslide problem.

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Okay, I turned everything off - all the Jane Bod stuff. The Unique Player was already off. Now my PC has a vanilla body with the ugly white underwear. So does Cait. But all the female NPC's have smeary skin with bright glowing fluroescent purple outfits that I can tell are from the "2pac4eva7's CBBE skimpy armor and clothing" mod - which was deactivated days long ago - before I converted to Jane Bod. So that's really odd.


BTW, when I made the conversion to Jane Bod, I first turned off all the CBBE stuff and I had a properly working vanilla game before I activated Jane Bod. So I find what's happening now really weird - because that stuff was already off.


With that, I started your process. I have a "Workspace" folder with the folders/files just like you described. meshes, textures, Tools, Jane Bod Rev (zipped), JaneBod.esp, UniquePlayer (zipped), UniquePlayer.esp


I'm a little confused on step 10. By using the Ctrl key, I selected all the folders (except the original two archives) and did a right-mouse, then "7-Zip," then "add to archive . . ." It created a zipped folder named "CustomUniquePlayer." Is that what you wanted me to do?


I realize we first need a working vanilla game before we go much farther. But that's where I am.

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I now have a properly working vanilla game. I searched in . . . meshes ... armor, and found the 2pac4eva7 folder. I made another desktop folder (with a different name) and put a copy of it in the folder for safe keeping - then deleted the file. Opened the game - no help. So then, I copied and then deleted the entire contents of the meshes/armor folder and that worked. It appeared to all be a bunch of CBBE stuff to me. So I figured it had to go.


I have a working vanilla game now.

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I followed your instructions as best as I understand. I've got it really close. In BodySlide I can create a body, copy the .nif mesh from "characterassets" to "PlayerCharacterAssets" and in the game, my PC has the unique body made from BodySlide; and everybody has the default body. I've repeated this with other BS presets, and my PC consistently gets that body - and no other character does. So the UniquePlayer mesh works.


But . . . my PC's textures are all smeared with the vanilla underwear, etc. When I activate the JBVaultLovely mod, my PC's vault suit looks perfect - but any visible skin is still all smeary under the vault suit. So it seems to me, it's a .dds texture file issue.

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Did more testing. It seems I needed to create a default JaneBod, and put it in the PCA folder. Went in the game, and my PC has a correct naked body default body - for the first time ever with UniPlayer active.


Then I built my PC's preset body and put it in the PCA folder - expecting it to smear - like it's done 100x's before. But no - it is correct and my PC's body. And Cait's body is correct (she has her own preset clothing). And I just happened to have a naked dead female raider nearby; and she has the proper body (I created a custom "NPC" preset several days ago).


So everything is working. It wasn't intuitive to me at all; but I guess building a default JaneBod and putting it in the PCA folder fixed everything.


I still don't know how this worked out; but it did. I don't know how moving a default JB in the PCA folder fixed everything - even though that file is no longer there (I have since replaced it with my PC preset). (??)


Thank you for your help. I couldn't have done it without you.

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