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Monday Disappointment?


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Does anyone else feel like there really wasn't anything new at all from all the reviews. Basically everyone did the same few quests, they almost all did the love triangle quest and they almost all did the bleak falls barrows quest. And there was little to no new information. And I know we were never promised anything grand or anything but i feel like there would have been a little bit more from a full 3 hour press demo. So, does anyone else feel a little disappointed?


Oh, and hopefully the ripten article is better than what we have seen so far!

Edited by malevolentraven
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what are you talking about? .. they released tons of new previews and new screenshots .. sure a lot of it was old news but we know almost everything about the game .. do you just want spoilers? .. I guess the lack of system specs sucks but those are coming soon enough.
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Does anyone else feel like there really wasn't anything new at all from all the reviews. Basically everyone did the same few quests, they almost all did the love triangle quest and they almost all did the bleak falls barrows quest. And there was little to no new information. And I know we were never promised anything grand or anything but i feel like there would have been a little bit more from a full 3 hour press demo. So, does anyone else feel a little disappointed?


Oh, and hopefully the ripten article is better than what we have seen so far!

Not really. I was excited to see the dragon armor helmet on that draugr. Maybe that means dragon armor is a little more accessible. One article went into a little more detail on alchemy. But yeah, I'd say as far as content, we'd all heard it before.


At this point, I'm just waiting for the game.

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I've only read a few of the previews so far, but I got a mixed feeling. We DID also get a few new screenshots, which look pretty cool. For the previews themselves, I did learn a few cool things, and some of them were just plain fun to read. The other half though had boring previews where they simply went through the list of gameplay mechanics we've known since forever, then at the end of the article included a couple paragraphs on their boring demo-esque adventure. But honestly, I'm not really sure what else I really want to see at this point. The previews do spoil the beginning stuff just a tad. I would like to see a bit more gameplay video, but I imagine that is soon coming (commercial at least). What in particular do you think you'd like to see in one of these previews?
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what are you talking about? .. they released tons of new previews and new screenshots .. sure a lot of it was old news but we know almost everything about the game .. do you just want spoilers? .. I guess the lack of system specs sucks but those are coming soon enough.


Yeah "tons" of new previews of basically what we saw in the 3 part demo, they almost all even went to the same dungeon. And no, I don't want spoilers, but I thought the reviews would have been a bit more diverse than reading the same thing about a dozen times. And as for the screens those were good screens don't get me wrong they were great, but I would hardly call it a ton, more like a small handful, they definitely could have released more.


I guess I'm just to excited and need to just wait for the game to come out. :verymad:

Edited by malevolentraven
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I honestly never got why people made such a big deal about this monday anyways .. why?.. what about next monday?.. and the monday after that? .. we know a lot already .. almost everything aside from story spoilers and NPC AI .. I would like some more footage but I didn't expect it today.
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I honestly never got why people made such a big deal about this monday anyways .. why?.. what about next monday?.. and the monday after that?


Ugh probably because there isn't a press demo every week.


Thats what I mean though .. press previews were great the first time around but when you see 50 different people discribing their playthru from the same starting point it gets old .. sure a couple of them went off on their own but most reviewers arn't that hardcore that they know what we have seen and havn't seen .. Dave from Ripten came on the boards and asked us .. maybe when he gets done writing his preview we might have some more infomation .. I just never thought for a moment that any reviews would have any new information .. really.. what don't we know already? .. I want system specs, AI details, and footage .. thats about all I can think of that would be new.

Edited by jedimembrain
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Yes I was disapointed somewhat


I want a full spell list and a full perk list, and I keep reading stuff about the goddamn butterflies.


I trust Ripten will disapoint much less tho.

Average journalist:

"Yeah, I saw every perk tree, but get this...you can GRAB the FISH...with your HANDS!"


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