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okay so hear me out interwebs.. Im incompetent and do not no how to create a mod. like i have no idea what the hell the creation kit is for. HOWEVER i would like to learn how, mainly because i want to create an alternate Prydwen for the minutemen because i blew up the real one and the thought of the minutemen taking control of the prydwen was a much more kickass idea because nothing says "f*#@ yeah america" like occupation of enemy territory, am i right? so my request is simple.. HELP ME BECOME ONE OF YOU!!

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Hi there! Welcome to the weird, wild, and wonderful world of modding.


Here's a first piece of advice:


Take a deep breath and relax. Modding is a lot harder than it seems, especially if you don't have a background in software or game systems. It's going to take you time to learn, and that's okay. Everyone started there at one point.


Second, creating a quest mod that would allow the minutement to take the Prydwen is a HUGE undertaking, especially for someone just starting out. You'll need to start smaller to get your feet wet, or you'll get discouraged by the enormity of the task...any by how often you'll fail. (Trust me, it happens all the time, even to veteran modders). Don't try to eat the entire elephant in one go, so to speak.


So, in terms of learning how to mod: First, if you haven't already, start using mods in your own game. Learn how to install them. Open up the files and take a look at what's inside.


Next, you'll want these tools:


1) Bethesda Archive Extractor (BAE) > this will allow you to pull all the meshes and textures used in the base game out of their packaged archives, so that you can edit them.

2) FO4Edit > this is the ultimate clean-up tool for fixing mistakes in your mod. It has a lot of other uses, but when you're just starting, you'll mostly use it to check that you haven't accidentally saved over something you didn't mean to.

3) Creation Kit > Download the Bethesda launcher and download/install the CK.


After that, google is your friend. Open Fallout4.esm in the CK and take a look around. Open records, see what they are. Right-click and choose "Used In" to see where records are used, to get a sense for how everything is all tied together.


From there, just try your hand at making a small, simple mod and test it in-game. Just the process of creating a simple mod and getting it working in-game will teach you so much.


Good luck!

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