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Proofreading dialogue / descriptions / other text


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I love the modding community, and I'm consistently awed by all the hard work you folks do. But I'm often frustrated when I install a mod and find that, no matter how brilliant the design, a lot of the dialogue and other text is strewn with errors. I'm a nitpicker by nature, and this kind of thing pushes a primal button in me.


But I've done a bit of freelance proofreading and editing, and I'm hoping to lend a hand to any ongoing project that could use a discerning editorial eye. I can clean up your dialogue, your quest descriptions – even an FAQ, manual, or other reference. Anything, really. And my asking price is quite reasonable: simply a mention in your mod's credits. (And even that's negotiable.)


In the interest of full disclosure, I'll admit that helping the community is only half my motivation. I'm a recent college grad looking to broaden my professional experience in the editorial field and make my résumé a bit more appealing. Working on an amateur video game modding project isn't a major credit, sure, but every bit helps.


Please don't hesitate to send me a message. No project too small or too large.


(I feel like I should also add that I'm cross-posting this offer to the Bethesda forums – I don't know where the real action is, so to speak, and I want to reach the broadest possible audience. Hope this isn't a faux pas of some kind.)

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