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I'm probably going to get banned if I keep this up, but I'll go on.


Again, I should probably look for the mod before asking this, but It's late, and I'm tired... I should wait till morning here.

I'm not going to.


Crossbows. Crossbows are cool, even if they only require a fraction of the skill required to use a bow. They had them in Morrowind, and somehow, I feel they could be put to use in Oblivion.

If someone can either point me in their direction(Because searching "Crossbows" on the Nexus turned up Pfft!") Or look into making them, I'd be much obliged.

Again, all I ask is that I don't get slandered for my stupidity in asking for something that's probably already clogging the Nexus.

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You searched for "crossbows" however a search for the non-plural form "crossbow" turned up the following Oblivion Mods, there might be more under less obvious names.


SB TES4 Oblivion Crossbow Mod by Sjors Boomschors



Crossbows of Cyrodiil by Linus



Crossbows of Cyrodiil updated esp by HeyYou (Adjustments to CoC by Linus)



Modders Resource Crossbow by scruggs


Edited by Draconicone
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You searched for "crossbows" however a search for the non-plural form "crossbow" turned up the following Oblivion Mods, there might be more under less obvious names.


SB TES4 Oblivion Crossbow Mod by Sjors Boomschors



Crossbows of Cyrodiil by Linus



Crossbows of Cyrodiil updated esp by HeyYou (Adjustments to CoC by Linus)



Modders Resource Crossbow by scruggs



Yup, you're right. Of course, I found that out before I even read your reply. I might have guessed the Nexus's super literal search bar would take that last letter and change the entire meaning. Thanks anyway.


I really am a dunce sometime.

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