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Remove Player Comments Subtitles


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I play with with a muted PC but if I keep general subtitles on I get these stupid comments--Sweet! Hell Yeah! I'm in!--showing up in the subtitles, but if I turn them off I occasionally miss important stuff in the when my character initiates conversation. For example, there's a question in Far Harbor where I need to ask a synth about a missing synth. I start conversation and there's this awkward lull before he says "I don't talk about that with just everyone." Talk about what? That's he a synth? That he's helping synths?


I would be super happy if someone could remove the comments for me. Or tell me how to do it and I'll do it myself.


(PS. Yes, I know there's a mod that silences the comments, but it doesn't remove the subtitles either. Sad.)

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