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Chameleon effect has become almost 100% transparent


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Some how, I've made my Chameleon effect almost 100% transparent. I have not installed any mods related to the spell. Basically all I see is a nearly undetectable shadow of myself even with the lowest levels of Chameleon active. I was wondering if anyone might be able to point me in the right direction to repairing this. It makes fighting extremely difficult. (Knowing when your bow is fully drawn for example. Now I have to rely on sound alone.) I have the following mods related to graphics installed.




All Natural Weather

Animated Window Lighting

VAs Better Gold

Alluring Potion Bottles

Better Beer, and Wine bottles

Book Jackets

Amps Cave Retexture

Non plastic clouded crystal balls

Detailed Terrain

I used to have ENBSeries, but I've replaced it with OBGE

Enhanced Water v20 HDMI (I've tried disabling no effect)

water reflection blur 0_3 (I've tried disabling no effect)

better staffs texture

MEAT (better textures for ammo and some armor)

High Resolution Hay Bail Textures

Immersive Interiors

Improved Candles

IFT Improved Facial Textures

Improved Fires and Flames

Optional torch addon for Fire and Flames

Improved Fruits Vegetables and Meats

Real Lava 1_3

Improved Signs

Improved Amulets and Rings

Mythic Animals High res

Mythic Madness

HiRes Oblivion Textures

Optimised Distant Land MAX 1_1

Qarls and Timeslips Depth of Field

Qarls complete Texture Pack

Bomrets Texture Pack for Shivering Isles

Better Silverware

Better Goldware

Restored Skeleton Shaders 1_0

Improved Skulls and Bones and Ironworks

Improved Trees and Flora

High res Varla and Welkynd Textures



I have other mods as well, most not dealing directly with graphical improvements though. I'll see if I can't get a screenshot of it if it'll help.

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