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Your Character's Prologue


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I don't feel like writing an epic, but I have an Orc in mind, Borgon gro-Khash, descendant of Burz gro-Khash [whom you might remember from the Cheydinhal Fighter's Guild]. He's enrolled in the Imperial Legion posted at Falkreath's North Keep [or some other suitable location] because he was tired of the uncertain wages of the Companion Guild. Considers his fellow soldiers to be lazy riffraff, and the commander to be a drunken idiot. About three days after arriving at the keep, he gets sent on a night patrol along with four other other men, and come across some Nord Skooma traders. As he gave the Skooma traders their warning, his fellow patrolmen told him to "let it slide" since a little Skooma trade here and there didn't hurt anybody, and it brought everyone some extra coin in their purses as long as they kept their mouths shut.


And that's when patrolman Fjull got his head bashed in by Burgon's trusty hammer. He doesn't remember much after that, but he woke up with woke up in jail with a cracked rib and a few wounds from daggers. Then some imperial tart told him he was about to be executed for the murders of 3 law-abiding merchants, 2 soldiers of the Imperial Legion, as well as running an illegal skooma-trading drug ring.

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Name: Shadowscale

Race: Argonian/Saxhleel

Class: Assassin/Thief

Main Skills: Light Armor, One Handed, Archery, Sneak, Lockpicking, Speech and Alchemy

Home: Black Marsh, The Deep Forest.





Born in a nameless village in the middle of Black Marsh 4E 180, Shadowscale was raised by the people in his tribe. He got his name because of his dark scales.s His tribe was nomadic and thus traveling was a common occurrence. With his father already gone at birth and his mother killed by Imperial Scouts at the age of 9, Shadowscale practically had to raise himself. His tribe had to move around to avoid the many wandering, soulless Saxhleel who had been enslaved by Umbriel all those years ago.



At the age of 15 Shadowscale and his tribe found a Saxhleel by a stream. Even though they were reluctant of letting him tag along, Shadowscale eventually persuaded the tribe elder to let the stranger accompany them to their next campsite. At the campfire that night the stranger told him that he was on his way to Morrowind to join the Saxhleel forces near Solstheim. Although way over his forties he taught Shadowscale the basics of combat, and it was obvious that this stranger had seen his share of battles. Shadowscale convinced the elder to let the stranger, who was named Kiin, accompany them on their journey north.

While traveling with the tribe Kiin taught Shadowscale more about the history of Tamriel, explaining more about the enslaving of Saxhleel and Khajiits by the Dumner, about the tension between the Empire and the rebels in Skyrim and about the floating city of Umbriel. He also trained Shadowscale in the arts of archery, combat with daggers and the basics of alchemy. In all of these areas Shadowscale showed much promise, which the fighters in the tribe confirmed.

By the time they reached the northern part of Black Marsh Shadowscale had turned 18 and was becoming very prominent in combat, alchemy and history. When Kiin was about to leave he asked Shadowscale if he wished to accompany him to into Morrowind and help the Saxhleel army defeat the remaining Dumner, near the colossal mountains of Skyrim. Shadowscale gladly accepted and that night they began their journey across Morrowind.



The climate quickly changed, from lush jungles of steaming heat to a wasteland with pits of lava strewn across the landscape. They rarely saw any villages or houses but occasionally some small huts appeared in the distance, but they never got close enough to discover if they were abandoned or not. When he and Kiin made camp they took turns sleeping, in case bandits would decide to attack them. In the daytime they would sometimes stop to train and spar with each other. Since beginning his travels with Kiin, Shadowscale had advanced very rapidly in the art of combat, and from time to time he managed to disarm the other Saxhleel while sparring.

Five days after his 20th birthday they had traveled so far north that they reached the first Saxhleel command post, even though they still were far from their destination. They received a warm welcome and the commander in charge was very happy to hear they wanted to join the Territorial Army. To find out their combat skills he put them up against some of the most seasoned fighters in the command post, which both of them defeated without major trouble. Because of this he assigned them to a group of rangers, heading to the frontlines. This group was much diversified and had mages, warriors and an archer in its ranks. All in all, they were eight. There were two mages, one which was specialized in Destruction and one who specialized in Restoration. There were also two warriors and both of them preferred dual wielding swords, and were very keen on keeping them sharp. The only archer in the group was very small, for a Saxhleel, and he never spoke as much as a word. Finally there was Shadowscale, Kiin and the group commander, Sewuul, a former member of the Dark Brotherhood.

Their journey through the wastes of Morrowind started getting a lot livelier after this point. Raiders, treasure hunters and stubborn Dumner, who had decided to hide from the invading forces, all came in their way. As this was now their land, everyone was ruthlessly murdered, even if that meant killing women or children. At first Shadowscale had nightmares about this, and wondered if this really was the right thing to do. After a few weeks of slaughtering elves his mind began to numb and he ultimately became detached, at least when it came to combating and killing elves.



At last, they arrived at their destination. Located below the mountains leading into Skyrim they found the main base of the Saxhleel invading force. As the Dumner had evacuated onto the island of Solstheim, there were no ongoing battles when they arrived and therefore got to rest a few days. Rumors in the camps said that the military forces on Solstheim were planning an attack, but they had no idea when it would come. The second day since their arrival Sewuul wanted to have a word with Shadowscale. He told him to meet him below the old clock tower, in the middle of the camp, at midnight. When he got there Sewuul was nowhere to be seen. After waiting for 10 minutes, Shadowscale began wondering where he was when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Sewuul.

Sorry I was late, I had some business to take care of”, he said.

Shadowscale hadn’t noticed him at all.

Sewuul told Shadowscale that he had been watching him their entire journey, and that he knew what he was. Shadowscale didn’t understand and asked what he meant. Sewuul told him that he’ll discover the truth soon enough. Shadowscale ignored his cryptic words and asked him why he had wanted to meet here. Sewuul told him that he had lied when they first met and that he wasn’t a former member of the Dark Brotherhood. He was here because of a mission, issued by the Speaker of the Dark Brotherhood. Sithis had told him that he had to travel to Morrowind, that he would meet a certain individual here who would play a big role in the near future, and that he had to go to Skyrim.

Why do I have to go to Skyrim?”, Shadowscale asked.

Fire.Fire.Fire. Fire lit up the night sky and two dark shapes that could barely be seen swooped above them. Tents exploded and screams echoed throughout the camp. The confusion was everywhere. A big heap of fire was hurled towards them and somehow found itself into Sewuul’s abdominal. Shadowscale hurried to his side and he saw that he was barely breathing. He somehow managed to whisper:

This is only the beginning… You have a great destiny… Sithis told me… Skyrim…

Then he was gone.

Shadowscale, who was accustomed to death by now and had learnt to direct his attention to the task at hand, turned his towards the turmoil raging around him. Chaos was everywhere. He saw Kiin and the small archer firing arrows towards the silhouettes soaring through the sky and hurried there to see what was going on. When he reached them Kiin noticed him and yelled through the commotion:


Shadowscale stopped in his tracks.

Dragons? They have been dead for thousands of years! How can this be?”, he yelled back. As soon as he had finished the sentence a huge scaled beast came hurtling down twenty feet from where they were standing. The other dragon was still swooping down and breathing fire on the other side of camp, with archers trying to hit it in the dead of night. The dragon that had landed near them looked at the three individuals and let out a deafening roar, which made them stagger back a few steps. The dragon opened its heavy jaws, seemed to shout something and immediately let loose a massive torrent of flame towards them. In the last second Kiin hurls himself over Shadowscale, and manages to knock them both out of the path of flame. Unfortunately the small Saxhleel archer was not as fast, and the only thing left of him was smoldering substance. Still disoriented by the attack, Shadowscale and Kiin look up as the dragon is positioning itself for another breath of flame. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a dozen fireballs hits the dragon across it massive body and it lets out an intense cry of pain. A large group of Saxhleel mages comes out behind the dragon, which is temporarily stunned, and decides to take advantage of the moment. As the dragon, clearly hurt by the magic spells, slowly turns towards his surprise attackers, the magicians begin to chant together and conjure a giant pillar of flame which hits the dragon right across its belly. The giant beast drops its head to the ground with a loud thump and rolls its eyes. The dragon is finally defeated. One of the mages, clearly the leader, approaches and says:

The only way to fight fire, is with fire”. Having killed the dragon, everyone directs their attention towards the sky to locate the other flying monstrosity. They notice that the dragon is perched atop a mountaintop, with the archers unable to reach it. It looks towards its dead companion and lets loose a violent shriek that echoes over the disorder and panic. It then turns and flies back over the mountains, back from where it came from. Skyrim.



When the worst of the chaos is over, and they are sure that the other dragon will not return, Shadowscale slowly approaches the dead creature. When he’s nearly there it begins to glow, its body slowly going up in flames and disintegrating and he feels a sudden surge of power. He notices that the energy swarming around the creature is being channeled into him. He’s also glowing and a fiery aura is surrounding him. The power being funneled into him feels fantastic and when the dragon’s body has burned away, the stream of fiery energy settles within him. He feels stronger, more complete. Everyone is looking at him. It’s like time has stopped. No one is looking at the burning camp around him; everyone is fixating their eyes on him. Kiin is the first one to open his mouth:

I knew from the start that there was something special about you, but I had no idea that… it was this… Do you know what this means Shadowscale?

Shadowscale, who is enchanted by the moment, says:


Kiin, with a stern and thoughtful face, tells him:

You are dragonborn. This means that you have the soul of a dragon and are able to speak their language. That’s what you heard when the dragon was breathing flame. There hasn’t been dragonborn, or dragons for that matter, for thousands of years. This must be a sign, you and dragons appearing at the same time. But what does it mean?

Stunned by what Kiin just have said, Shadowscale remembered what Sewuul had told him:

Just before Sewuul died he told me that I had a great destiny. His last word was Skyrim.” Everyone is still quiet, and listening to every word Shadowscale and Kiin are uttering.

Then there is where you must go. I understand as little as you do, but that is the only thing that is clear. We must go, as fast as we can. Whatever this is, the answer is over those mountains. Towards the dragons and Skyrim. Pack your things and meet me at the mountain pass. Don’t think too much, it won’t help. These guys can handle the Dumner, we have bigger problems to take care of”, Kiin said with a determined look in his eyes.

So that is what Shadowscale did. When he departed to fetch his belongings from his tent, the whole crowd who had assembled parted to let him through. Everyone was still quiet, apart from the occasional whisper:

What is he? What does this mean? Dragons? What’s happening in Skyrim?

He ignored them; he had too much to think about already. When he had packed all his things, he procured a horse and rode in the direction of the mountain pass to meet Kiin.



Kiin had packed light, only a small leather sack hung over his saddle. When Shadowscale rode up beside Kiin, the older Saxhleel spoke:

The passage through these mountains will be harsh; there are more things than dragons to worry about. I don’t know awaits us up there.” With those words, he rode off up into the immense passageway leading to Skyrim, and thus forced Shadowscale to follow.

After about an hour they were convinced that they were close to the border. A blizzard was raging and they couldn’t see more than three feet in front of them. The storm actually was so bad that they had to abandon their horses and continue on foot. Because of this they decided to take cover in a small cavity, and wait until the storm ceased. Kiin suggested getting some sleep and Shadowscale offered to take the first watch. The snowstorm was intensifying and he couldn’t even hear Kiin’s snoring, which he had gotten used to during their time together.

He was staring into the blizzard when suddenly he saw movement out there. Three shapes seemed to be pacing back and forth, but he couldn’t really make out if they were humanoid or not. Shadowscale steadied himself against the wall and stood up to see if he could make out the strange shapes better that way. Then the shapes stiffened and stood perfectly still. Then they rushed. Through the snowstorm came three burly, white apes which Shadowscale guessed was Frost Trolls. Their grunts and roars immediately woke Kiin up but he was soon assaulted by two Frost Trolls and struggling to keep them at bay. The third Frost Trolls took aim at Shadowscale and took a firm grip around his neck. Struggling to breathe he tried reaching for his daggers, which were attached to his backpack. When he was just about to pass out he got a hold of the shaft of his dagger, and drove it deep into the jaw of the Frost Troll. Not even looking where its body fell, he turned his attention toward Kiin’s position. Even though badly bruised and with a severe wound in his stomach he somehow managed to keep them from killing him. Shadowscale launched into the air with his dagger and struck one of the Frost Trolls right across its eyes, blinding it. It shrieked with pain and scurried back out into the blizzard, disoriented and injured. When he turned his attention back to Kiin he had already finished the Frost Troll with his sword. He was now sitting slumped down against the wall, bleeding considerably from his wounds. It was clear he wasn’t going to make it.

Come closer and listen”, he mumbled. Shadowscale sat down next to him.

Shadowscale, you know I’m done for. Don’t weep for me; instead honor me by fulfilling your destiny. Sewuul was right, you’re very special. Your abilities are extraordinary, but even that couldn’t save me. I’m glad that I met you. Now go, before more of those things come here. Bye, my friend.” Then he closed his eyes for the last time.

Shadowscale honored his old friend’s last wishes; he quickly packed up the remaining supplies and continued his trek through the snowstorm.



He was high atop the mountain. Down below was the most beautiful landscape he had ever seen. Though not entirely accustomed to the cold he really enjoyed the fascinating things he was seeing. Forests, frozen lakes and further below he could see mammoths roaming freely. This was a new beginning, a chance to start over and forget all those horrible things that he had experienced. But first and foremost this was his chance to discover who he really was and to find out what kind of connection he and the dragons had. Then everything went black.

He awoke, tied by his hands and feet. In front of him was a weasel of a man, a Dumner entirely clad in Imperial armor and behind him was approximately ten other men with the same kind of armor.

We don’t like strangers in our land, stranger.Why are you here?”, he said with a harsh tone. Shadowscale looked at him with empty eyes and said:

Firstly, this isn’t your land, elf. It belongs to the Nords. Secondly, it’s none of your business why I am here. Besides, isn’t it permitted to travel among the lands of the Empire?" His eyes widened and seemed ready to burst.

Your kind isn’t a part of the Empire anymore, Argonian scum. This frozen piece of land is a part of the Empire, and as I am part of that empire I make the rules. Understand?”, he said with a satisfied smile on his lips.

We’re still allowed to travel wherever we want, and that’s a law even the Empire can’t ignore”, he told the Imperial Captain.

I just did. Take him away.”, he ordered his soldiers.

While being dragged away Shadowscale whispered: “You’ll regret this”.

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Awesome story Conneticut! I don't feel as bad about MY long post anymore :biggrin:


Well, thank you. :turned: Could have put a lot more work into it, more details and depth, but I just wanted to get the main things down. Wrote it in like three hours, and it was a bit hard sometimes since english isn't my native language. :happy: Hehe, I'm proud of being a nerd, and so should you. ;D

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Awesome story Conneticut! I don't feel as bad about MY long post anymore :biggrin:


Well, thank you. :turned: Could have put a lot more work into it, more details and depth, but I just wanted to get the main things down. Wrote it in like three hours, and it was a bit hard sometimes since english isn't my native language. :happy: Hehe, I'm proud of being a nerd, and so should you. ;D

Wow. That's pretty good for English not being your native language. And indeed I am proud. Proud enough to wear a black robe to GameStop on the night of Skyrim's release as I try to pass myself off as a member of the Dark Brotherhood. But it's really my Darth Maul robe XD

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Awesome story Conneticut! I don't feel as bad about MY long post anymore :biggrin:


Well, thank you. :turned: Could have put a lot more work into it, more details and depth, but I just wanted to get the main things down. Wrote it in like three hours, and it was a bit hard sometimes since english isn't my native language. :happy: Hehe, I'm proud of being a nerd, and so should you. ;D

Wow. That's pretty good for English not being your native language. And indeed I am proud. Proud enough to wear a black robe to GameStop on the night of Skyrim's release as I try to pass myself off as a member of the Dark Brotherhood. But it's really my Darth Maul robe XD


Haha, awesome! :thumbsup: I'll try to find some kind of viking helmet when I'm going to pick up the game. :tongue: Actually, my friends and I painted our faces for the Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows premiere, even though that was just for laughs. :teehee:

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Lol I want to go as an Argonian, but there's a bit of a problem with that lol

I have a Jurassic Park raptor mask. I had a DB suit (grim reaper) and I put on the raptor mask and gloves and tadah! Argonian!





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