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Addictions Overhaul


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Hello mod authors,


It's hard to (role)play an addict even in survival mode. Addictions only add one effect, and never seem to do anything else. You have to just use them, but there's not much else to the mechanic than that. I would like a mod that alters the addiction system:


1) Being an addict in survival mode already provides some detrimental effects, and those would stay as they are . . . to start!

2) Not feeding your addiction daily-ish adds to those detrimental effects with whatever effects are relevant,

3) Feeding your addiction also (but slowly, very slowly) ups the need to feed your addiction in #2 above.

4) A system, whether an item you carry or simply exists (item called auto-addiction-feed?) that will randomly cause your character to ingest/shoot up with the addiction you suffer under based on how long it's been since you last fed the addiction, damage perhaps, food/water cravings also part of survival mode. If your inventory doesn't have that item, whoah! You need it bad. Bad things start to happen, as in #2 and/or #3 above.


There are mods that introduce the smoking animations for cigars, etc, and so this ought to be compatible with those by not forcing your character to stop mid-battle to smoke a cigarette. Besides, nicotine is addictive, but you could hold off a little while longer even though it has increasingly detrimental effects if you don't smoke soon. This might be the only variation, as you can certainly shoot up/inhale jet on the fly, etc.


Please, and thanks!

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