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Travel packages getting to point A to point B after talking. (QUEST HELP)


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As the title says, i need to get my character to move to a location within a interior, after the player is finished talking to the character, the NPC should lead the player to a certain cell, but i can't get this to work? Please help. I'm creating a quest on the GECK.

Edited by Henke100
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Try the console command "movetoqt" (Move to Quest Target). However, sometimes this has been known to break a quest, so have a backup save.


On the other hand, perhaps you have not fulfilled a quest requirement to get the NPC to lead you as yet? The following might help clarify this. Start with "sqt":


* Quests: (Use GECK, "Actor Data" | "Quests" | "Form ID" for "base id" by hovering mouse over the desired quest in the list)

- CompleteAllObjectives <base id> - sets all objectives for the quest to a completed status (1). Useful for bypassing a bugged or broken objective.
- caqs – Completes all stages of all quests, even quests you have not taken on, basically completely wiping out all quests of the game and completing the game without ending the game.
- CompleteQuest <base id> - completes and removes current quest from PipBoy.
- getqc <base id> - checks if the current quest is complete. if true = 1 false = 0.
- getstage <base id> - gets the current objective level of a quest.
- movetoqt - move player to current quest target location.
- resetquest <base id> - Gives the specified quest, removing it from the quest log. Beware: often, this may force you to redo other quests to receive it once more.
- saq - start all quests.
- SetQuestObject - setquestobject <baseid> <1> will set the NPC or item to quest object or not (1 is, 0 not).
- setstage <base id> <Quest Objective> - sets a quest to an objective level. Recommended command for moving past bugged sections of quests rather than forcing the entire quest to become completed.
- showquestlog - show the quest log, everything the player has encountered and done in the game.
- sqs <base id> - list all quest objective levels (stages) with current value.
- sqt - list all of the current quest targets.
* sqv <base id> - list quest variables.
* set <"base id".variable> to <value> - change quest variable to value NOTE: Requires quotes around the base id of the quest.
Example: In New Vegas, set "000E61A5".MetRangerAndy to 1 will fix Raul's quest if you've already spoken to Ranger Andy before you recruit him.

FNV quest IDs


Edited by dubiousintent
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Try the console command "movetoqt" (Move to Quest Target). However, sometimes this has been known to break a quest, so have a backup save.


On the other hand, perhaps you have not fulfilled a quest requirement to get the NPC to lead you as yet? The following might help clarify this. Start with "sqt":


* Quests: (Use GECK, "Actor Data" | "Quests" | "Form ID" for "base id" by hovering mouse over the desired quest in the list)


- CompleteAllObjectives <base id> - sets all objectives for the quest to a completed status (1). Useful for bypassing a bugged or broken objective.

- caqs – Completes all stages of all quests, even quests you have not taken on, basically completely wiping out all quests of the game and completing the game without ending the game.

- CompleteQuest <base id> - completes and removes current quest from PipBoy.

- getqc <base id> - checks if the current quest is complete. if true = 1 false = 0.

- getstage <base id> - gets the current objective level of a quest.

- movetoqt - move player to current quest target location.

- resetquest <base id> - Gives the specified quest, removing it from the quest log. Beware: often, this may force you to redo other quests to receive it once more.

- saq - start all quests.

- SetQuestObject - setquestobject <baseid> <1> will set the NPC or item to quest object or not (1 is, 0 not).

- setstage <base id> <Quest Objective> - sets a quest to an objective level. Recommended command for moving past bugged sections of quests rather than forcing the entire quest to become completed.

- showquestlog - show the quest log, everything the player has encountered and done in the game.

- sqs <base id> - list all quest objective levels (stages) with current value.

- sqt - list all of the current quest targets.

* sqv <base id> - list quest variables.

* set <"base id".variable> to <value> - change quest variable to value NOTE: Requires quotes around the base id of the quest.

Example: In New Vegas, set "000E61A5".MetRangerAndy to 1 will fix Raul's quest if you've already spoken to Ranger Andy before you recruit him.


FNV quest IDs



Thanks for your efforts, but this is completely unrelated to my issue, i'm currently developing a mod and i'm using the GECK. and i'm having a issue getting a NPCs to move to a other travel target. I already sucessfully got my NPCs to move to a xmarker then i want him to move to another xmarker but he won't let go any ideas?

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Ah. I didn't realize it was a mod you were developing.


I've not created any mods for FNV, but from what I read it seems each xmarker is specific to a cell, and "Usually used for AI packages in determining how far away from a location they can perform certain actions, or how close they need to be before they will carry out the action." So perhaps you need to adjust how far away from the cell's xmarker the NPC is before they can perform your movement to a "portal marker" for the next cell?



Edited by dubiousintent
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Create a Travel package with reference like an X marker or Heading Marker and check "must reach location" in the options. In the dialogue response end scriptlet use the command AddScriptPackage and specify the package you just created. In the "on completion" block you can removescriptpackage and then use evp on the actor. This is one way to do it if the package is only used once and temporary.


A different way is you can add a variable condition to the package and set that variable in the dialogue response end scriptlet. Then in the on complete block in the package you can set the variable to it's opposite state. Make sure the variable is either in your quest script or the script for the NPC. Don't declare variables inside dialogue or they will bug stuff out.


Packages are chosen by the first set of conditions which is valid, so possibly maybe your packages just need to be sorted with the << and >> buttons.

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