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Respect My Authoritah!


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Respect My Authoritah! -Cartman


It seems kind of strange that once you have yes man installed in the lucky 38 mainframe, there really isn't any change in the securiton's behavior (or at least I havn't noticed any). Respect My Authoritah! would put the securitrons nominally under the couriers control. Add the player faction to them, allow the courier to issue simple orders to them (guard over there, stay here etc). But mostly it would be additional dialog like simple one liners or actions when the courier passes by. Maybe things like saying "hail to the king" or saluting.


Frankly by the time you'v got yes man installed I don't think there is a whole lot on the strip that is a serious threat, so adding allies like this that are limited to that area probably isn't a big deal (in re: to game balance).


It could also be the start to a larger mod that expands on yes-man. The end slide kind of gave people the impression that yes man was going to be a problem in the future, but one of the developers expanded a little on that topic and said yes man wasn't going skynet. Instead, while he does become more independent, he also becomes a pretty good steward of New Vegas.


So if anybody is interested I'd love to see some great one liners for the securitrons (in ref to the player), unique little easter egg behaviors and help with voice work.

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Hmmm, One liners... How about ones that show the reprogramming effort was not 100% succesful?

*All Hail hou*ZAP* Courier*

*Why hello there good bud bud bud bud bud... *silence* (Remiant of victor)*

*Must eliminate John Courier* (Terminator spoof)


Nice :thumbsup:


I wonder if a "Danger, danger Will Robinson" would be over the top

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