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Enchanted bow, run spell script on hit.


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It's me again Margret....


Anyway I'm trying to get oh hit to work

Event OnDying(Actor akKiller)
    Actor TargetActor = GetTargetActor()

seems to work fine but for the life of me I can not get a stupidly simple on hit to trigger....

Bow>enchantment>magicbase>script> spell (its going to be one 4 random spells but I cant get a single one to work...)

Scriptname zippywrathofthegodsnewspell extends ActiveMagicEffect 

Spell Property Zippy_WOTG_SPELL_normal Auto
Actor Target

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
Target = akTarget

Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)

Zippy_WOTG_SPELL_normal.Cast(Target, Target)
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Does the effect have duration? Anyway, On hit will fire multiple times for enchanted weapons, 1 for the weapon hit, 1 for each magic effect of the enchantment, same thing for spells with multiple magic effect. So it may give unexpected results once you get it to fire... Sure there isn't another way around it? what do you want to do?

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Does the effect have duration? Anyway, On hit will fire multiple times for enchanted weapons, 1 for the weapon hit, 1 for each magic effect of the enchantment, same thing for spells with multiple magic effect. So it may give unexpected results once you get it to fire... Sure there isn't another way around it? what do you want to do?

Ya but I can sneak in do once once its working. Its odd tho I can put 100-9999 on the radius of the spell to be cast and when it hits a target the spell via script hits me and nothing else. I managed to get it to work when it hit anything once, not sure what I did tho 0-o

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