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okay, peeps, don't got a lot of time to type this up so forgive me if I'm a little brief, but i've been kicking this idea around for a long time now: i was messing around in GECK the other day, looking at some of the building models from Lonesome Road's cityscapes, and i thought of an older idea that came to me when fighting the fiends over by el rey's: i really enjoy the urban combat aspect of that area, and was thinking of doing a mass landscape overhaul to turn many (appropriate) areas of new vegas into more of an urban setting. thoughts? ideas? suggestions? just post em here, I'll get back to you asap...


ps: keep in mind this was a BARE BONES, no, not even that a Concept. many of this is still in my head right now, but i've got to go soon, so please: comment, and i'll be back later today to elaborate or respond if needed.

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That would entail regenerating the whole Mojave worldspace LOD which to my knowledge has never been done successfully.

You should try creating a new, smaller worldspace the way you want, and you can design it in such a way that maybe LOD isn't necessary, or if it is, it will be more manageable.

Edited by Quetzlsacatanango
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That would entail regenerating the whole Mojave worldspace LOD which to my knowledge has never been done successfully.

You should try creating a new, smaller worldspace the way you want, and you can design it in such a way that maybe LOD isn't necessary, or if it is, it will be more manageable.


this is what i was worried about, s thank you for pointing me in the right direction, i had just thought that maybe a mod like this would have been fun to kick around making :) thanks all.

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