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People be hatin' on Bethesda mon...


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your looking at it from a very small perspective .. this impacts on all aspects of future games and .. well.. anything .. T-shirts .. Cups.. Movies .. in the long run Bethesda wants to secure the name completely so no other company can come in and make a game called "scrolls" thats open world and first person .. then when they go to sue them that other company can clean the floor with them because they have been using the name for years and this is just there most recent venture with the title .. that may seem unlikely but this is one of many situations that Bethesda wants to stomp out before it can happen... and yes its partly the fault of lawyers .. the lawyers for zenimax/bethesda see this as a possible threat to the title and a way for the lawyer to make more money .. so they push zenimax into suing for their own reasons .. but that doesn't make their point invalid.
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your looking at it from a very small perspective .. this impacts on all aspects of future games and .. well.. anything .. T-shirts .. Cups.. Movies .. in the long run Bethesda wants to secure the name completely so no other company can come in and make a game called "scrolls" thats open world and first person .. then when they go to sue them that other company can clean the floor with them because they have been using the name for years and this is just there most recent venture with the title .. that may seem unlikely but this is one of many situations that Bethesda wants to stomp out before it can happen... and yes its partly the fault of lawyers .. the lawyers for zenimax/bethesda see this as a possible threat to the title and a way for the lawyer to make more money .. so they push zenimax into suing for their own reasons .. but that doesn't make their point invalid.


You say... To secure the name, parts of the name, and anything else tied to it, to make sure they are and will be the only ones who can profit from it now and in the future and to show that noone can name their games even close to TES anytime soon...


I said That Bethesda is in for money and showing claws.


We basically said exactly the same thing, but you worded it more like someone from Beth's PR department, hehe.

Plus I still think that this may have bad influence on any future, similar cases (About copyright and nams of products, not about Beth). Real bad influence if they win.

Edited by elvinkun
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so why do so many people blame Bethesda??


Because a good portion of the internet is infested with inbred plebs.



Maybe... because Bethesda started the suit? Maybe... because it's looked at as the big guy bashing the little guy? Maybe... because Mojang is trying to deal with this in a humorous manner that doesn't make either party look bad and Bethesda insists on acting like a giant bag of vinegar and water?


Could be lots of reason, but it's not for the reason you stated. Nice snide tone though. I'll have to practice that myself. There might be a time where I need to look like I have an ego the size of Texas and think I'm the smartest person in the room. Got any more tips? :rolleyes:

Edited by Seviche
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Funny thing is Notch lied and mislead a lot of people about stuff that wasn't true. Bethesda is trying to avoid an issue with Mojang taking over TES, and then Bethesda wouldn't have TES anymore. Funny thing is When Mojang put the copyright in the Copyright office (Don't remember the name.) but they rejected Mojang because of "The Elder Scrolls." Funny thing too is that the ones who rejected it in a way were a Federal department. But Mojang could still go on with it. Pretty sure if a Government copyright agency rejects it, Bethesda has a right to do this.
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Funny thing is Notch lied and mislead a lot of people about stuff that wasn't true. Bethesda is trying to avoid an issue with Mojang taking over TES, and then Bethesda wouldn't have TES anymore. Funny thing is When Mojang put the copyright in the Copyright office (Don't remember the name.) but they rejected Mojang because of "The Elder Scrolls." Funny thing too is that the ones who rejected it in a way were a Federal department. But Mojang could still go on with it. Pretty sure if a Government copyright agency rejects it, Bethesda has a right to do this.

Notch taking TES from Bethesda? That one would be hard to pull off.


Care to link to the information showing Notch lied? I'd be quite interested in reading about it myself.

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Funny thing is Notch lied and mislead a lot of people about stuff that wasn't true. Bethesda is trying to avoid an issue with Mojang taking over TES, and then Bethesda wouldn't have TES anymore. Funny thing is When Mojang put the copyright in the Copyright office (Don't remember the name.) but they rejected Mojang because of "The Elder Scrolls." Funny thing too is that the ones who rejected it in a way were a Federal department. But Mojang could still go on with it. Pretty sure if a Government copyright agency rejects it, Bethesda has a right to do this.


You mean...as in registering puzzle game named Scrolls, comming out of the the copyright office, lifting hands into the air and going " MUAHAHA! And Now I own Scrolls. The Scrols. Even The old ones. The Elder Scrolls! Yes!".


On the serious note, I'm sure everyone in this case lied about something (erm), but I'm really not sure what do you mean apart from what I said up here. Would like to second the request for source there.

Edited by elvinkun
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because it's looked at as the big guy bashing the little guy?


i like how people still think mojang/minecraft is small. sorry it stopped being small time when it sold over a million before its release.


btw i find this suit stupid zenimax should have dropped it but whatever.

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Not everything is what it seems. Read this and you will see that Notch did do things that. It doesn't matter if he is a fan or not of TES. If Notch or anyone else gains TES that would be horrible and that is what Bethesda is trying to prevent. All in all there are many things that people don't realize about this lawsuit, and the fact is this lawsuit is actually applicable in terms of copyright and so on.
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Funny thing is Notch lied and mislead a lot of people about stuff that wasn't true. Bethesda is trying to avoid an issue with Mojang taking over TES, and then Bethesda wouldn't have TES anymore. Funny thing is When Mojang put the copyright in the Copyright office (Don't remember the name.) but they rejected Mojang because of "The Elder Scrolls." Funny thing too is that the ones who rejected it in a way were a Federal department. But Mojang could still go on with it. Pretty sure if a Government copyright agency rejects it, Bethesda has a right to do this.


You mean...as in registering puzzle game named Scrolls, comming out of the the copyright office, lifting hands into the air and going " MUAHAHA! And Now I own Scrolls. The Scrols. Even The old ones. The Elder Scrolls! Yes!".


On the serious note, I'm sure everyone in this case lied about something (erm), but I'm really not sure what do you mean apart from what I said up here. Would like to second the request for source there.


And yes it can happen. The courts and laws are very sophisticated and this could happen in them. Notch seems to think they should drop it, but if you are a lawyer, you should know what Bethesda is doing is applicable. I'm not on Bethesda's side for TES or anything for this unlike many and vice-versa. I look what is reasonable and what can happen and Notch filing for almost everything for Scrolls can lead it to Bethesda getting their TES license revoked. It can happen, and there are many that said this too.

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