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Welp, soldier promotion not behaving correctly


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Whenever a soldier get promoted from rookie to squaddie, he or she will sometimes jump randomly down the tree and get perks from both sides. I couldn't figure out how to return it back to the original behavior.

As you can see in images - my rookie got promoted to a squaddie of Grenadier class but the tree shows he's at major yet he received both blast padding and shredder... and apparently not launching grenades.

It's not just him but other classes as well.. ranger, sniper, etc.




UPDATE: I ran the gatecrasher mission again and only specialist was promoted correctly (hack and aid proc) while other three weren't http://imgur.com/a/GlNih


As best as far I can tell, it's not a mod related but it has to be. Is there a way to look into an ini file to see if there's anything messed with?

Here's a list... a long list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P8bM5Ud31zp6lUS_Y3qRA9QF-v2--QhTTtyL1SPDpTY/edit?usp=sharing



EDIT: Problem solved. It was Hidden Potential mod. I tested it with SWR: Hidden Potential mod and that one works.

Edited by unikornus
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