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Photograph developing "workbench" for prosnap cameras


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I would like to request or even help create a mod that would allow for prosnap cameras to be used to develop film from before the war. The pictures would be a combination of heartwarming, hilarious, candid, etc situational scenes made with actual in game models and sets. The developed pictures could be put into a photo album for to be viewed by player in Misc. section. The mod community could submit pictures to be added even have a contest to see who can come up with the best pics :smile: .


Proof of Concept: Imagine finding a camera in a blown out building in post apocalyptic Boston. You've been on the go non stop, super mutants, rabid mole rats, a damn feral ghoul parade. You finally have a minute to rest, to take stock, to cry bitter tears for all mankind. you reach into your bag and pull out a Prosnap camera (the only camera to be built sturdy enough to protect sensitive film for over 200 years). You learned how to develop the film from an old caravan driver who learned it from a junk dealer in shady sands who learned it from an old vault dweller.As the pictures become clearer you see snipits, frozen moments in time, a glimpse into the world that was. Why does everyone look so happy , how is everything so clean, what the hell is planking?


This is my first ever post or request hope i did it right

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This idea is genius. I'm not really sure where I can help, but I'd certainly be willing to use a mod like this.

EDIT: I know my way around GIMP pretty well, so I might be able to help with the pictures themselves. Like putting filters on them to make them black and white or grainy or things of that sort. I might even be able to help put stuff together in the CK, but I honestly haven't used it too much. Suffice to say, there are probably people better suited, but if you can't find anyone else, I'll try to help out where you need me.

Edited by Launius
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Well you have all the creativity, so lets start there. Start thinking about what some of the pictures could be, and we'll work from there. Do you know how to develop film? Cause I have no idea how that works, lol.

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My overall idea would be like 83c887ae4e9cdab599c79d16aa419269.jpg0e7400575ac0be32424adcf87bc39962.jpg7e3156e3b5ea47b1b064d45a8c42ccdd.jpgAtomicVegas1.jpgjust think finding pics like this would be awesome in a devastated world.

As to how to develop film-

vintage film developing kithttp://static.photo.net/attachments/bboard/00c/00c9om-543575884.jpghttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTAwMFg3NTA=/z/dAkAAOSwVcFXOjss/$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F

all these are vintage our universe so they would need to be retro-futurized like most things in fallout

Edited by Hannasazi
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Yeah, that's one reason why this idea caught my attention. There is something about inevitability that I simply fall in love with. But this concept reminds me of games I've played like Gone Home and Life is Strange. I've been watching some youtube videos about the process of developing film. I think this is very doable. I think I might be able to make some models for a bench, with maybe some beakers for the developing agents and such. I've just gotta find a way to simplify this a little. I mean, with actual film, you end up with roughly 30 pictures, and in some cases that'll be fine for the game, but that turns into A LOT of pictures.

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