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WME/WMX + Renaming Mod = Fail?


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Well, I'm using WME. I saw another nice mod, Weapons Renamed, that I wanted to pop on. However, even though they affect completely different things, they seem incompatible...if Weapons Renamed loads last, wham, there go the mods. WME loading last means no spiffy names.


What's the best way to resolve this? Making a merged patch didn't help. I tried doing a manual tweak, but it's kinda cumbersome...is that the only way to really do it?


Any help would be very awesome. Thanks!

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That's gonna happen because they actually DO edit the same thing. In this case, weapon forms. In order for it to work correctly there would have to be a patch to copy the new names into the forms with the WME mods.


Or, you could use Realistic Weapon Names. Kinda shameless plug here, but I use scripts to change the names, so it works with any mod, and doesn't cause a conflict. It supports all the DLC, as well as PN and WMX (for the two new weapons added by WMX). However, it'll work just fine with WME too. The only thing you might have an issue with is that it won't rename the weapon MODS, so it might be difficult to figure out which mods go on what guns. I can't help that, yet, but I do plan to do something about it in the future.

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