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Massive amounts of NPC's


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I'm having a bit of an issue. I'm not sure which mod I have is causing this, so I'll post all the ones that I think could affect it.


Basically, anytime I go somewhere with a specific faction associated with it, there is a TON of vanilla npcs. I.E. 20 raiders in nevada highway station, 25 NCR soldiers in Primm, etc. I'm relatively early on in the game and I want to fix this before I get to any big battles. I'm already getting my a** handed to me by groups of dozens of jackals. Has anyone else experienced this?

Anyways, here are the mods I have. Like I said, I have no idea which one could be affecting it, I'm still pretty new to modding in this game.



Angel Park



Project Nevada

Very Voracious Vermin

New Vegas Bounties

The Mo' mods (mo'suite, mo'dlc, mo'ipp, etc)


I have some others, but I don't think they could be affecting this.


Can anyone help?


Thanks in advance.

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