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Possible (Elder Scrolls) Literary Influences


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These fantasy novels could have likely influenced Bethesda while creating Skyrim:



Nine Princes in Amber (Roger Zelazny)


Cold Fire Trilogy (C.S. Friedman)


Assassin's Apprentice (Robin Hobb)


The Name of the Wind (Patrick Rothfuss)


The Blade Itself (Joe Abercrombie)


A Kingdom of Thorn and Bone (Greg Keyes)


The Warded Man (Peter V. Brett)


A Sword of Shadows (J.V. Jones)


Elric of Melinbone (Michael Moorcock)


A Game of Thrones (George R.R. Martin)


Mythago Wood (Robert Holdstock)


Dune (Frank Herbert)


Acacia (David Anthony Durham)


Memory, Sorrow, Thorn (Tad Williams)


The Black Company (Glen Cook)


Prince of Thorns (Mark Lawrence)- Unlikely due to it's recently release

Edited by SkyrimGamechanger
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From my own readings I cannot possibly see how Bethesda would be influenced by The Name of the WInd, or Assassin's Apprentice :-/ The thematics are just so different, and even the background/lore/universe has nothing to do with Skyrim... The same goes for The Warded Man.


I could see them being influenced by The Blade Itself (which contains very crude depictions of North-type lands and men), and maybe a Song of Ice and Fire... but still, the only thing in common is fantasy+dragons+snow...


That's from the ones I've read, can't say anything about the others ;)

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In what ways might these books have inspired Skyrim? Please tell us! I really want to know!



I think that all of the books I listed are set in worlds intricately crafted and visceral (all of which could easily be used as inspirations when creating a unique Nordic world like Skyrim) plus, Bethesda is obviously full of big fantasy buffs.

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