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How can I split up development on a big project?

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When I say "big project" I mean like 20+ worldspaces about 15x15 cells large each, and have these worldspaces have doors that lead to eachother.

I want to have each developer work on their own worldspace. Each developer would have access to the same assets, and these assets might change during development.

What would be the easiest way to pull this off?

  • Would I need to have each user make plugins based from a main .esm content file?
  • What would need to happen if I wanted to add new content to the .esm?
  • What if I need to change something in the .esm?
  • How would those .esp files talk to each other? (Have doors lead from one to the other, or quests that span through to areas in a different plugin)
  • Would I need to merge the .esp files and then link those doors and make the quests after merging?

Is there an easier way to have shared development?

Sorry if I didn't explain that clear enough, the whole idea has me mystified.


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Dropbox, or something similar maybe? You could have a main folder and folders for each member of the team, the main folder contains an .esm and .bsa that have all the resources. Push updates to the main folder, and everyone gets them.

Then you have them work on their individual world spaces, each with entrances/exits that lead nowhere, but maybe are labeled for where they should go. They save these .esp's to their own folders.


When done, you merge the .esps from all their folders, and then go about linking all the doors.


So long as you aren't making major reductive changes to the .esm when you update it, only adding things, you should be ok. If you do need to remove things, notify your team first so they can make the necessary preparations to their .esps so it won't break from dependency.

Edited by Fantafaust
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