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Melee combat footage we've seen so far


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we really should discuss what the difficulty slider would do.

As said before, it should not touch enemies HP, but instead there damage output.

But this being said, it would detrimentally throw off all gameplay, as now your comrades die within 3 hits.(as it did not touch upon health)

And how would it work on spells?

So the damage output is a NO-GO.

How about a Damage multiplier <only when against the player.>

Well now were just putting the player at a continuous downhill disadvantage, losing the feel of any hero qualities and you become more of a 'Survivor'


Heres my solution.


IMO it is the most applicable and generally useful way.

As you raise the difficulty slider these things will happen.


*Humanoids will recieve more perks.


*The A.I. will become faster responding, and will develop more acute "Reppetition detection"

(its when an npc recognises your reoccuring strategy and counters it)

<Backpedaling with a bow.=The foe will sprint & power attack at your flank instead of charging head on.>

<position self in corner... Block...swing...block...swing...=The foe will draw back and attack you ranged>

<Attack....go invisible....sneak attack...go invisible....=The foe will put his back to the wall and block. OR use magick to spray fire. once you catch on fire your position will be revealed>


FPS games like C.O.D. BATTLEFIELD. HALO. all just do the same thing.

<EASY>When enemies fire at you, only 1/4 of each shot contains a 'bullet' im sure youv noticed this if youv played these games on low difficulty.Also there reaction time is halved.<time from when they see you thatthey will take action>

<VETERAN>Every shot they fire contains a "bullet".There reaction time is at 70% now. They throw more grenades. and you take more damage.

There is very little change to the A.I.

would anyone here like to make a topic?

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Changing combat AI in mods worked great for Oblivion. I guess we'll just have to see how all the mechanics play out in Skyrim.


But, like Adrius2 said, I want to feel challenged by opponents, but not have to hit them 40 times to kill them. Unless, it's a Dragon of some kind or a super boss opponent. Basically, I want to feel like most encounters in the the game will still provide some degree of actual threat and that their presence in the game isn't superfluous. I get that Bandits are pretty low on the threat-level hierarchy in the game, but if I'm going to be encountering them throughout the game I still want to be able to be killed by one no matter what my level. Even if, at super high levels, my character only needs to get in one or two hits to take them out. Their ability to damage me should still be a concern.

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