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What's with the dragon hype?


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Personally, I love that there are going to be dragons, even with my stealth characters. I will probably not slay very many dragons with my stealth characters, but it will add moments of adrenaline and fear when I encounter one with my thief, and his only concern is just escaping with all his loot. So even if you don't plan to fight them, they are still a great element.
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So, I was feeling all baize about dragons, but damn, whenever I hear that Skyrim Theme song again I find myself getting all pumped up and feel like running outside with my wooden sword screaming taunts at them: "Hear I am! Come on! Come and get me mother f***er!!!" Dear Odin, what a dork I've become. Ha ha!
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You're right, OP. The dragons did look dumb. And so did the new features. And graphics. Don't even get me started on the graphics. I feel this way about life too. Sex has just become the same formula over and over again. Why bother continuing it? I don't want kids. Why bother doing it, or eating or drinking even just for my own pleasure? I'll just end it. I'll just end it all, that will make everything better.


Or. OR. I can be happy as sh*t that I can slam an axe down on a dragon's head in a video game. Finally. Yeah. I'll chose that.

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You're right, OP. The dragons did look dumb. And so did the new features. And graphics. Don't even get me started on the graphics. I feel this way about life too. Sex has just become the same formula over and over again. Why bother continuing it? I don't want kids. Why bother doing it, or eating or drinking even just for my own pleasure? I'll just end it. I'll just end it all, that will make everything better.


Or. OR. I can be happy as sh*t that I can slam an axe down on a dragon's head in a video game. Finally. Yeah. I'll chose that.


Question answered. Close topic.

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I don't understand the hype either. But it doesn't hurt me. I don't think that they don't BELONG in there, but they weren't a "selling point" for me either. How should I say it... it's the last thing/feature about the game that I'm excited about and it's the last thing (not once really) we talk about with my friend, when we talk about Skyrim.


Waste of time? Well, considering Todd said they were working on them for 2 years, - maybe...

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I really haven't seen much dragon hype at all. They are really awesome and epic creatures that add a sense of danger and randomness to the game. Dragons have been in the lore of TES since Morrowind (maybe sooner but I haven't played those so i can't vouch of it). So that argument isn't really valid either and honestly I've seen far more werewolf hype than anything else. A werewolf mod would be kind of nice but I'd much rather see them in a DLC. At least that way they would look much better (i would expect) and they would feel more epic and have some more depth than they otherwise have in a mod. No offense to the good modders out there.
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Actually, I'm kind of glad that Dragons have been featured in the footage so much because by focusing on them it leaves more of the world unrevealed. I think the Dragons in the advertising are there to catch the attention of people unfamiliar with Elder Scrolls. For the fans, the world itself is the main attraction.
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Actually, I'm kind of glad that Dragons have been featured in the footage so much because by focusing on them it leaves more of the world unrevealed. I think the Dragons in the advertising are there to catch the attention of people unfamiliar with Elder Scrolls. For the fans, the world itself is the main attraction.


I agree, the dragons are partially to attract the large part of the Harry Potter crowd that doesn't normally play video games and doesn't know the first thing about Tamriel.


As for me, I don't care about the dragons personally. I hope they're done well, but it's not why I'm buying the game, and it's certainly not why I'll keep playing it for the next few years.


Bethesda knows the core fans of the Elder Scrolls series will buy the game no matter what. So, they're, quite logically, focusing on the people who wouldn't normally hear about it or think of purchasing it.

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Bethesda knows the core fans of the Elder Scrolls series will buy the game no matter what. So, they're, quite logically, focusing on the people who wouldn't normally hear about it or think of purchasing it.


you're totally right, and that's the main point of this topic, because i don't want TES to lose it's

mysterious style and just become a traditionnal fantastic let's kill dragons rpg


dragons tend to make a game lose a part of it's originality IMO

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