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Console Mod Request: Essential Hancock


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I seem to be the only person beating this drum on the online communities, I must sound like a crazy person by now. But, seeing as Bethesda has gone 6+ months without fixing the easily killable Hancock (he's flagged non-essential anytime he's not actively in your party as a companion) is there any possible way for somebody to make a simple mod that flags him as essential and then release it on consoles?


Any and all assistance in making this happen is appreciated by me and the rest of the Hancock loving community on the XB1.

Deacon seems to suffer from this to a lesser extent where he's marked as non-essential until he has a default settlement marked, then he seems to be fine, which is easier to circumvent by dismissing him somewhere you're currently at. Hancock isn't as lucky.

Edited by MEMANIAsama
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