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Senturos - Formal warning issued

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Senturos has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:

opinionated comment troll:


First of all wtf lol. this this guy looks liek and imbred Chimp with an elifant trunk mixed with a ryno horn between his legs. Im straight. all all this reads is? are gay people this bent making mods like this? bent" straight" get it? na but Not all of the gay community would support this mod. Because is highly Wrong in the junk department. Straight blokes like silly huge tits. gay blokes like massive schlongs

If you do not like a mod then move along, it is simple.

This warning was issued for what took place here

Restrictions in place
As part of the warning, Senturos has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:

This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future

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