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Site running crazy slow


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Has anyone had any issues with the nexus site running slow? Mods are downloading fine but actually navigating the site is delayed and takes forever to do any extended browsing. I have had this issue for about a week now and have tried different browsers, clearing cache, resetting my modem and still nothing. FeelsBadMan

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Its ads. I had my adblocker turned off for this site for a while, but recently, the site was lagging really badly. So, to test it, I turned my adblocker back on. It immediately blocked 54 ads on the page I was on. And the lag was gone. So for now, I'm just keeping adblocker on. I had it off to try and be considerate, but when there are that many invisible ads causing the site to lag and even crash occasionally, I just can't deal with it. Maybe if they deal with it, I'll turn adblocker off for the site again, but for now, it stays on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its ads. I had my adblocker turned off for this site for a while, but recently, the site was lagging really badly. So, to test it, I turned my adblocker back on. It immediately blocked 54 ads on the page I was on. And the lag was gone. So for now, I'm just keeping adblocker on. I had it off to try and be considerate, but when there are that many invisible ads causing the site to lag and even crash occasionally, I just can't deal with it. Maybe if they deal with it, I'll turn adblocker off for the site again, but for now, it stays on.

I had the exact same idea as you turning off the adblock, and I exoerience immense slowness, I just couldnt figure out what was wrong, thought I had memory leak or something, but ater testing turning on AdBlock again, everything went smooth and super speed. I have friggin 24gb Ram ffs.


If only the ads were stock imges or gifs, like in the old days, and not complicated Flash elements.

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