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Dual Wielding


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It comes down to the interface device. You've already got 2 independent arms, with a normal swing and power on both, that's 4 combinations from two mouse buttons. To get any more (short of the simultaneous press I said before) you'd have in introduce another button, and that just overcomplicates everything.


That said, In Witcher 2, using Q,E,R for cast, parry and item works really well after you get used to it. I certainly wouldn't complain if combat could be setup/modded to use that configuration. Would make moving and casting difficult, but IMO you shouldn't be trying to move anyway.

Edited by Skevitj
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it makes sense but it isn't.. pete hine already said there is no blocking for dual weilding


Ya, I didn't think it was, hadn't seen anything which stated it though. That's just the way I would've done it. On that note though, is there anything out there on how the different cast types work? Is it press vs hold or something else altogether (I really hope they aren't split into different spells)?

I don't know why this is still being spread around; there are no different "cast types" for magic. There are separate spells for each effect, as in Flames for the flamethrower and Fireball for the, er...fireball. I blame some of the poorly written/researched previews for this tenacious rumor.


I think the confusion is coming from the differences between how one spell is cast compared to another. For example, Flames is just a sustained, hold-it-down-until-you-run-out-of-Magicka effect. Fireball, on the other hand, requires that you keep the button held down to charge it up, then release it to launch the fireball (Chain Lightning appears to work the same way). Then there are the buff and Conjuration spells, which are likely just a single button tap to start the timer on whatever the effect/summon is.


Hope that helps clear up the confusion!

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I think you can still Block while using one 1H weapon. Just not while you're using two 1H weapons. I know, it's not intuitive why you wouldn't be able to block with two weapons, but, from a balance stand point, I can see why they did it. They had to make the dynamics of it different from two handed weapons.


your right .. 1H can block but dual 1H doesn't block.. you can view it in the GT TV third person videos from the old cam footage they released.

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<br>I don't know why this is still being spread around; there are no different "cast types" for magic. There are separate spells for each effect, as in Flames for the flamethrower and Fireball for the, er...fireball. I blame some of the poorly written/researched previews for this tenacious rumor.<br><br>I think the confusion is coming from the differences between how one spell is cast compared to another. For example, Flames is just a sustained, hold-it-down-until-you-run-out-of-Magicka effect. Fireball, on the other hand, requires that you keep the button held down to charge it up, then release it to launch the fireball (Chain Lightning appears to work the same way). Then there are the buff and Conjuration spells, which are likely just a single button tap to start the timer on whatever the effect/summon is.<br><br>Hope that helps clear up the confusion!<br>
<br><br>Unfortunately, that makes a lot of sense... Damn, was hoping they'd just have the 1 spell and allow you to cast it in different ways... Oh well, nothing that SkSE or whatever they're going to call it can't fix, hopefully. Edited by Skevitj
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Blocking with one and striking with the other is perhaps the best thing you can do and the devs did not put it in.


So use a shield...


Hahaha did anyone else find this really funny? haha, that was great :laugh:

Ha, I thought it was funny too. [:


So question, Glitchmaster8... what do you propose Bethesda should have done in terms of what buttons do what? There are no available buttons for an "alt" function of any item, it's just "use" - right and left trigger, right and left hands... Maybe hold select and press A and then hit the trigger again? :rolleyes:

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you can dual wield and parry in dark souls. right bumper is right hand attack left bumper is left hand attack. right trigger is right hand power atack and left trigger is parry. (depending on whats in your left hand. (i think)


I really think that it was more of a balancing issue.


1 hander and shield = Moderate damage, good damage mitigation and the ability to block.


2 hander and shield = Better damage but not as good damage mitigation but has ability to block


Dual wield = Best damage poor damage mitigation no block.


Dual wielding should be crazy with the flurry attacks and poisons and enchants.

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its a balance issue not because I think it is but because pete said so .. he said something along the lines of "you can't have everything" .. meaning you cant hit twice as much and block .. which makes sense .. would be way to overpowering.
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