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Dual Wielding


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you can dual wield and parry in dark souls. right bumper is right hand attack left bumper is left hand attack. right trigger is right hand power atack and left trigger is parry. (depending on whats in your left hand. (i think)


I really think that it was more of a balancing issue.


1 hander and shield = Moderate damage, good damage mitigation and the ability to block.


2 hander and shield = Better damage but not as good damage mitigation but has ability to block


Dual wield = Best damage poor damage mitigation no block.


Dual wielding should be crazy with the flurry attacks and poisons and enchants.


how can you have a 2 hander and a shield?

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2 hander and shield = Better damage but not as good damage mitigation but has ability to block


I'm assuming your just referring to the fact you can block with a 2handed weapon, cause you can't use a shield and a 2 handed weapon at the same time. Just wondering if that was what you meant or if you were trying to describe something else.

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Well if being able to dual wield and block is a balance issued and "op", why didn't every soldier back in the way carry two swords in real life? In fact, almost nobody did. If blocking with a dual wield was put in it would be fine, just make it way worse than with a shield or something. Maybe chance of dropping the weapon, idk people are creative. The obvious thing is the fact that a controller doesnt have enough buttons. But holding both triggers always works if that doesn't already do something. On a keyboard there are plenty of buttons.
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Im gonna duel wield torches for maximum visibility. And when you hold both triggers together your character will bring the two torches together forming a huge fireball that spawns a phoenix companion. Can someone confirm that?

Oh yeah, that was confirmed like...way back in 2010.

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Hey guys. First time putting a post but i thought I would give my ten cents on this one. The fact you cant block with a dual wield weapon is certainly an attempt at balancing. You have to understand that Skyrim gives you the tools to make dual wield a devastating weapon when using the proper tactics and skills. Imagine trying to pull this tactic on an opponent. You see a guy, sneak up on him and start hacking away. He turns around to show you what he thinks about getting a mace to the back of the head. You then use then use the teleport shout to end up behind him, so now he is like WTF! Where did he go? Once again, hack away my friend. by this time the guy is pretty screwed. Now take into consideration that you can have a blunt weapon for additional bleeding damage and a sword for a better critical hit %. Or you can have two swords for a high critical %, or two blunt weapons for a high amount of bleeding damage. So i do agree from the realism perspective it sucks you cant block while dual wielding, but on the other hand the power of dual wielding certainly makes up for it if you use it correctly.


Lesson to be learned here: Dual wielding + Good tactics = You becoming overlord of Skyrim :thumbsup:


Simple enough

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Hey guys. First time putting a post but i thought I would give my ten cents on this one. The fact you cant block with a dual wield weapon is certainly an attempt at balancing. You have to understand that Skyrim gives you the tools to make dual wield a devastating weapon when using the proper tactics and skills. Imagine trying to pull this tactic on an opponent. You see a guy, sneak up on him and start hacking away. He turns around to show you what he thinks about getting a mace to the back of the head. You then use then use the teleport shout to end up behind him, so now he is like WTF! Where did he go? Once again, hack away my friend. by this time the guy is pretty screwed. Now take into consideration that you can have a blunt weapon for additional bleeding damage and a sword for a better critical hit %. Or you can have two swords for a high critical %, or two blunt weapons for a high amount of bleeding damage. So i do agree from the realism perspective it sucks you cant block while dual wielding, but on the other hand the power of dual wielding certainly makes up for it if you use it correctly.


Lesson to be learned here: Dual wielding + Good tactics = You becoming overlord of Skyrim :thumbsup:


Simple enough

True. :]


Correction though, with perks, it's axes that cause bleeding damage, not maces. Maces can ignore armor, and you were right about critical hits with swords...once you get the perks.

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Oh yeah, thats true about the mace ignoring armor and axes doing bleeding. That must of skipped my mind. Well my all in all question about dual wielding is whether its worth giving up the opportunity to shield bash someone off a cliff, because their is nothing quite like pushing some poor bandit to his doom. Maybe they can make a mod for the victim to have a dramatic slow motion fall while cursing up at you too lol. Cant quite make up my mind
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Balance shouldn't even really be a concern in a single player RPG with no competitive elements whatsoever unless something is completely broken. Even then a few number tweaks would make it balanced or close enough to it should dual wield parrying be implemented.


All I want to know is that there is going to be some depth to dual wielding besides spamming the mouse button. Yes as some people have said before me TES combat system is notoriously simplistic but even then, in oblivion you had to decide which power attack to use and when to block, which from what I can see is better than what skyrim's dual wielding offers; but I cannot be sure of this as I havn't played yet, purely speculation on what I have seen.


Blocking with a shield should always be more effective but I'm having a lot of trouble imagining trying to play a deft assassin and not being able to parry... my mind boggles.


edit: Hell they could just make it so dual wielding requires you to be a master swordsman in the first place, as a perk. And in order to block while dual wielding you need a high block skill too. Both realistic and balanced for those that care about it.

Edited by falloutreign
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