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How would I script a model change for a actor?


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right... because those are humanoid, and already setup to wield those things.

But the OP is talking about an eyebot....

Robco Certified. Upgraded Mr Handy, Robobrains, Assemblotron.


And, more pertinently: the hoverbrain.




Exactly what you want done, but with a different model.


It can (and has) been done. Just because super mutants alook vaguely humanoid doesn't mean they use human anims. They've got a custom skeleton and their own separate set of animations.






not what he's talking about.


He wants to keep the SAME ID entry, not just make a new one from scratch. Maybe there will be a way in the future soon..... Devin, you could consider talking to Schlangster on this issue, he's good at adding new NVSE functions (hint hint)

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Hmm, I went in for too much 'look at this' and not enough 'this actually does [explanation]'. The whole point of my post was that these robots actually equip and display the weapons, so there's no need to change the model or refid to change the weapon. Simply putting the relevant gun and ammo into their inventory whilst your npc/creature is set up correctly will cause them to equip it, use it and show the model for it. Instead of messing with switching models and refids you can just change the inventory contents of the robots, if you still need to swap out the bots to change their attire that's a lot less swaps than having one for every combo of weapon and armour.


i.e. instead of having a robot with 42 (6*7) different hat/revolver combos, you'd only need 6 - for the hats - and any of the revolvers would be changed out like human NPCs or supermutants deal with weapons.

Edited by Lt Albrecht
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Right now I'm using monster costumes which has a npc/human skeleton rigged to a protectron. The protectron mesh itself is pretty close to a normal protectron (a little taller, a little slimmer). It works well for weapons (all animations are available), and looks pretty good. Just a little deformation in the forearm. But so far I havn't been able to get them to put on any attire. I was thinking if an egm file could tell a npc how to wear a hat in re: to hair it would be able to store data on how to place itself on a protectron head. But I'v just started with this, so I don't even know if the skeleton includes hte "head" bone or what, and of course it doesn't help for other bots like the eyebot.


Hmm, I went in for too much 'look at this' and not enough 'this actually does [explanation]'. The whole point of my post was that these robots actually equip and display the weapons, ....and any of the revolvers would be changed out like human NPCs or supermutants deal with weapons.


It's been a while since I'v played FO3 Robco Certified (hadn't installed the FNV ver yet), but even if it just does weapons that would be a big step forward. For instance on the eyebot, leaving her with 1 custom hat and the option for all revolvers would be just fine. Thanks Lt Albrecht, I'll look into that



I know that the person who did the MyDog mod for FO3 has gotten this working, but sadly I can not understand the scripting of it all.




I'm weak on scripting, but just knowing it can be done will motivate me (it's something I need to learn anyway). Nifse is basically the tool I need but I don't see any indication of it coming to FO in the near future :down: I'll check out Rainrtw's mod and maybe I'll have some luck or he/she can can provide some guidance.


BTW you should check out the burrows thread, you know you want bring mutant racoons to life.....I mean who wouldn't, they'd simply be too cool? Sort of a secret of NIMH/ewok thing all rolled into one.

Edited by devinpatterson
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A little bit preliminary, but it looks like the key lies in NiVisControllers on the nif itself;

"Vis Controllers toggle visibility of Nodes meaning you can dynamically switch objects or parts of them on/off visually. Can also be used in conjunction with NiAlphaControllers to circumvent Object/Item Fade issues." So I'm guessing the nif's themselves actually contain several hats or other attire and these controllers determine which ones show in game at any one time.

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The burrows look interesting but I am not looking to do any more projects on NV since its so close to Skyrims release, which I will be more then likely playing/modding for from then on.
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Thanks to Myrmaad for linking me here. I agree with his assessment: NifSE sounds like exactly what you need. Granted, what you're looking for here might be very complicated, and NifSE as it currently stands might not be up to the challenge yet, but that could be worked on.


(Actually... it might work, depending on what you require. NifSE can copy a mesh from one to another, and could translate/rotate the mesh within the scene. Not sure how easy it will be to get it to look good, though.)


If this is available for NV it would be absolutely perfect, it's exactly what I'm looking for :biggrin:

Thank you very much Myrmaad!

It is not, currently, unfortunately. I don't own (and don't plan to buy) NV. I do own FO3, though; I had planned on porting NifSE to FO3 eventually. But only after I finish ARES (an Oblivion mod I'm working on), and iron out the bugs in the Oblivion version of NifSE.


Anyway, in order for NifSE to be ported, there needs to be a Script Extender project for NV that exposes an API for 3rd-party extensions (as Oblivion's does) — is there one? If so, porting could be easy or difficult depending on how similar it is to Oblivion's. Since I don't own NV, though, I won't be able to test it. Therefore, I'd be willing to help someone port it, but I can't do it myself. You'd need to know at least a bit of C++ (variables, pointers, control structures like if/else/for/while/switch, STL objects like strings and vectors), and preferably know details on the NVSE API, if it exists. To volunteer for this, e-mail me (username at gmail). Don't PM me; as Myrmaad found, I don't check my PM box here very often.


EDIT: Looked into this some; NVSE does seem to have a PluginAPI, though I don't know if it's fully operational yet. Based on what I saw, it looked very similar to Oblivion's, which may allow me to port NifSE quite easily; if it's easy enough, I may be able to do it myself and just ask for some volunteers to test it.


The main issue will be that NifSE relies on a hook into Oblivion's executable; an alternate hook would have to be found for NV, and without the game in front of me, that seems completely impossible for me to do. I don't suppose there's anyone here who knows how to do some disassembly work to find it?

Edited by DragoonWraith
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