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Facing the Future


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The reason that just the violence and blood and mayhem has been advertised is because of the dumbass mainstream audience. But don't worry. Skyrim isn't just mindless combat, there is still the massive complexity to it. I understand your fear for TES becoming the new Assassin's Creed (which had me heart broken, too. AC1+AC2 were perfect but it's now mainstream), but fear not. TES will never become commercialised mainstream crap, it just isn't how Bethesda rolls. And if they do...then the fans won't allow it XD
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If children can (and will try to) kill me, I need to be able to kill them back. That was one of the more serious problems with Caesar's camp in FONV. They would actually attack you on sight if you were hostile to them, and they are indestructible. In the interest of keeping the rating down and presenting a desired corporate image, I accept that there are things that can't be included. But that doesn't mean that there's something wrong with people who want the option, or that there's a problem with modding the option into the game. Edited by Aluminumfoil
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If children can (and will try to) kill me, I need to be able to kill them back. That was one of the more serious problems with Caesar's camp in FONV. They would actually attack you on sight if you were hostile to them, and they are indestructible. In the interest of keeping the rating down and presenting a desired corporate image, I accept that there are things that can't be included. But that doesn't mean that there's something wrong with people who want the option, or that there's a problem with modding the option into the game.


NV wasn't bethesda damnit :wallbash:

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hahaha :biggrin: if you watch the gaming industry tides, it really is one of the funniest stories i have ever seen.


Battlefield spent 7 years trying to bring down the The Titan Call of Duty series, And now that they have...They Became the new Titan, which in turn attracted the Call of Duty crowd to disown COD and Migrate over to Battlefield. Now battlefield had to simplify many of aspects of team play and Rock, Paper, Scissor combat to appease the COD migrators. Which caused MANY battlefield fans to stop playing<self included>. So over time,,,we will see Battlefield Transform into the New Call of duty.

"They became the monster they fought"


Assassins creed started out quite humbly, with a mindblowing plot and philosophy and a string of tragic characters and a mystic setting.


Everyone hated it because they expected more advanced combat, and a "better story"<by better, they meant, "I wish they would stop talking already">.

...So AC2 releases promising to be more accepting to new fans, with a simplified and altered story, overbearing conspiracy theories,<making EVERY historical figure a Templar or assassin>

And who is this cocky little s*** Ezio? banging every women he meets...anything to make players forget about the lack of thoughtful story

The intricate parts of story also took a a more hidden role, as players could now skip scenes of dialogue completely, and jump right back into the action. No more having to Listen to Al Mualim reveal the philosophies of life to you anymore. or have to listen to beautifully spoken philisophical confessions from the intimate scenes with you and your target connecting spritualy while they die in your arms. :(

They added much, MUCH more sex.<the original had 2 female characters, and was quite subtle, focussing more on story>.

The combat system became much more "fun" allowing Ezio to slaughter entire armies singlehandedly.<albeit this was somewhat in the original, but it was never ment to be exploited. it was a technical error.>

The Game stopped from being boring because of the addition of sily customisation. Now you can CHANGE YOUR CAPE into pretty colors and use an AXE instead of a sword. goodie. fans ate it up. :confused:


Now A year later they release Brotherhood, which contains NO story, very little improvement, and a single, yet large map. 60$

everyone buys it. loves it for the multiplayer.


Now a year later they plan to relase ANOTHER game starring ezio.<they just plan to run the series into the ground dont they>

but get this....THIS TIME YOU CAN HAVE BOMBS & a grappling hook. you dont even have to think about killing entire hordes of HUMAN beings without any strategy or complication. cause,,,well f*** that. YOUR AN ASSASSIN. your the s***. Slaughter cities if you want to...beacuse thats how assassins behave...duh. f*** stealth.


Do you see the pattern. When the target demographic<audience> changes, (usualy to casual gamers) gaming series....become immensely popular and make loads of money...


i wont even get into how Call of Duty whent downhill, but just know: The zombie storyline was once very historically influenced. now they just make s*** up as they go for the sake of churning out another map pack.


Here is a quote from the original assasins creed. This is from your sevent target, "the book burning scholar" Listen. REALLY LISTEN.

Listen to the first cutscene between Jubair and his brother talking about the battle between ignoaranc e& enlightenment.

Then skip to 3:55. please, listen to them.


Now listen to this quote from your beloved sequel and compare

Peace & safety upon you all.

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I honestly wish so hard that bethesda would tone down on the violence.

NOW, Before you go up in flames, i say this because of a theory i have called The Jurasic Proggressive Theory :ninja:

The theory dictates, that the Protagonist must always encounter conflicts in proggression. And making too high of a leap in the proggressive chain, or having too much of a Breakneck pace in danger too early will yield to being de-sensitised to the danger.



They first are attacked by vellociraptor. then a t rex. Then a PACK of Velociraptors, Then the power goes out. Then the 'Hunter' gets killed. The the Scientist.Then the Velociraptors & the Trex attack.

If they fought the T REX in the beggining, the Velociraptor would have no emotional fear impact.

The move works quite well as there is enough Downtime between encounters for tension to rise. And the encounters are progressive, so you feel like the characters are getting into more & more danger.


True true, movies tend to work in that format but thats mainly because movies are meant to just fill 2 hours and ones like Jerrasic park do it with cheap thrills to make easy entertainment, but Oblivion has more than that... it has non-linear gamplay a possibly engaging story-line, an utterly massive immersive world, a combat system, crafting, exc. exc. theres so many things that make the game entertaining without an intence well worked violence progression chain, I mean sure it would make the game more entertaining if there was one but its not really that necessary.


At the moment there's already a mud crab-> dragon chain but so far the games seem to be actually taking emphasis away from it with the personal level scaling making near every fight you run in to, from mud crab to dragon an encounter you should be able to beat..


Sidenote: I honestly don't know why they keep doing this lol since people always just come out with static level mods and near everyone always loves them more than the original, but whatever... I'll wait the 2-3 months till one pops up and I happily download it :)

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