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Kills counter "Bar"


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Relatively simple idea.. yet, a bit complex to implement straight onto the Tactical screen.




According to the Shadow-Chamber, a total of (-15-) were detected before that mission started. So far, (-4-) have been killed.

This pseudo-bar then depletes from right to left until the mission is over.


As a result, we would --know-- there are still one or two or many on any given maps!


PS; That suggestion isn't what a currently available Mod already does, btw. It gives such indirect values per individual soldiers aside from their Info panels in the bottom left corner.

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  • 3 months later...

Cool (and still -- thank you in advance).. yet, i regret having to indirectly rain on your parade -- but, someone has already gave (Mid-August) this sort of stuff a wild ride!

Have a look at this efficient concept "TacticalUI KillCounter" Mod by Luminger; https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=749138678


It uses a system of "Numerical Values" rather than (my suggested) visual Red/Pips/On/A/Bar. I certainly D/L'ed that one when i first saw it in the Steam/Workshop.. no problems with that so far.


Don't let it stop you from giving your own version to the community though! ;)

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Thanks for the update! It's really tough to know who has what out and when.


Mine is definitely a bit different and more in line with your screenshot above. It's graphical and shows how many are left AND how many are currently mind controlled/hacked. It also is only based on the Shadow Chamber report (and only appears if you have it built), and as such it shouldn't count Faceless or Turret or Super Soldier kills. Hopefully there won't be too many bugs. ;)


Still, I'll let you know when it's out if you want to give it a whirl. I'm still fairly new to the XCOM 2 modding community so every little bit helps.


Thanks again!

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