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A Mod for Fellout


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Now I love Fellout and how it makes the days seem so much clearer and the skies so much bluer, but I hate the nights being so pitch black. Now, there are a couple of "Fellout Night Restore" mods but, that's all they do, they return the nights to being that 'twilight polar night' ish type nights. I wanted darker nights, but not pitch black nights where it's like 'Ok, someone is shooting at me, but I can't see them even though they are 10 feet from me as it's so dark. " that Fellout is famous for. Darker Nights by Xepha is gone, Xepha removed it, said it was outdated and didn't have DLC support. Can someone do a Darker Nights type mod to lighten, but not completely lighten, the Fellout night skies? Something that is sort of in between the Vanilla and Fellout night skies? Would be cool. :D Thanks!
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