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Grenade arc not visible inside custom roombounds


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I've been going through the process of dividing my custom cell into rooms, and have noticed during testing that when inside the room bounds, the grenade arc is not visible.

I have all the portals sets up, it's not exclusive to one room, every single one I set up has it. If i move to an area outside of where i have them set, then the arc is visible again. I've not tweaked any settings beyond moving and sizing the box into position.

If I step outside the room, then I can see it again, so I know it is not an issue with the cell/mod in general. Has anybody else experienced this and know a possible solution?

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It just a regular issue with Bethesda's game engine. You cannot simply fix it, since Beth must fix this.

I am experiencing same issues, having the grenade arc not rendering inside any kind of cells (interior caching).


And since no one was willing to reply here, I thought, I might be the first.

I am always fixing my issues by myself, since you cannot actually ask anything here and expect ANYONE going to even dare to reply.

Had couple of questions, bug reports, requesting for help, none absolutely none of them got solved by anyone here, except me and a few days of getting deeper into the source.

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