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need a very speific gun mod made if anyone has the time


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hi im unable/uninteligent enough to make mods lol so i hope someone can make one for me.....



i need.... a m4a1 full auto with scope silencer extended mag carbon body laser sight (same as predator in the movies with three red beams) and increased fire rate and increased damage i would like to see the gun do atleast 1200 damage and a firerate of atleast 15 rps magazine size should be around 200 round capacity with little or no weight to the whole gun...also would like it to be placed in a un-owned chest or box of any kind in goodsprings right outside doc's house and if you could throw in around 50,000 bullets standard 5.56 hollow points that would be great ty. oh lol almost forgot no spread and insanly accurate. pls and ty..



also if anyone has the time ive seen a forom topic im interseted in myself and thats a plasma gun like predator mounted on a shoulder auto targeting any hostiles in a set paremeter and auto firiing at them should be accurate enough not to blow of the user's own head and do well enough damage to support the (look-a-like) of the predator one also if it could be made separate from any other equipment and attach to any armor type even modded ones the would be awsome and if you can make them duel-wieldable (one on each shoulder) and grant the user xp for there kills and a full 360 degree rotation and ingagement zone that would b better.

Edited by swivil420
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