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What's -SteamLoader? Trying to install Crash Fixes.


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I downloaded Crash Fixes though I rarely get CTD's, but I'd like to possibly lower that to 0 CTD's.


When I launch Skyrim it says that the SKSE Memory Fix hasn't been added and to change the SKSE ini to the memory patch ( which I already have and been like that since day 1 ). it also says that if using MO then you need to add -steamloader to the skse start up options. But I don't know what the skse start up option is.

Edited by CxxProphet
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If you are using recommended settings from Crash Fixes, then make sure that you have following installed as well.


SKSE Plugin Preloader by meh321 and sheson



MO has Arguments filed for this option. Do the following.

  1. Open MO Application dropdown list in right panel.
  2. Select <Edit...>
  3. Select SKSE
  4. There is a white field named Arguments. Add following text: -forcesteamloader
  5. Click Modify

You should now be done.

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It's still giving me the same warning that SKSE Memory Fix hasn't been added.


Already have the preloader and everything.


I even disabled the skse warning in my the crashfixplugin ini but i still get the same exact msg. If it's not supposed to be in my SKSE folder then where do I put the crashfix ini file?

Edited by CxxProphet
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Are those files in correct folders?

Skse.ini -> ...SteamApps/common/Skyrim/Data/SKSE

Cras Fixes files -> ...SteamApps/common/Skyrim/Data/SKSE/Plugins

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Ya everything is where they need to be, but the msg still pops up.


have the preloader in my directory where the tesv.exe is, crashplugins ini in the plugins folder, i even switched the crashplugins.dll file between the directory and skse folder. -forcesteamloader in the arguments section of the skse launcher, crash fixes installed in MO. SKSE memory patch at the specified values, even disabled the skse memory fix warning but it still shows up anyway whenever i load a game.


I don't know why it's giving me such a hard time, like I said I rarely get CTD's, but I still get them nonetheless, I'll probably just have to make due without this.

Edited by CxxProphet
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That's unfortunate.

It might be best that you point this question directly to mod author and tell what you have already tried.


Sorry that I could not help you any further.

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