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Ahztec Mod, weapons invisible


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I downloaded Ahztek's Shrapnel Mod, however when I equip a weapon it does not appear. It shoots, and there is sound, but no gun. I also seem to have a lot of red diamonds with sideways exclamation marks, and these also appear when shooting some of the weapons, except that the exclamation marks are right side up.


I have installed the ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated.bsa


The load order is as per Ahztek's instructions. I've tried disabling some of the plugins, including GRA (as I read that it may cause conflicts). Also CFWNV. I have my textures set to high. I copied and pasted the texture and mesh files to the relevant game files, as was suggested in one thread.










Ahzteks Weapon Overhaul.esp

Ahzteks Impact Data (Optional).esp

Ahzteks Muzzle Flashes (Optional).esp


Total active plugins: 11

Total plugins: 11


Any suggestions?


Thanks very much in advance for your help

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im 90% sure the textures and meshes did not make it to the right folder..


dont manually copy them over.. most modders make the file structure in their mods where you just extract all of the files in the archive to the data folder..


if that modder didnt do that...lame.



here is the other thing..


if you move the textures to a folder other than the one the modder provided the textures will totally mess up as the links to them in the meshes will have been broken.


red exclamations indicate a missing mesh.. which means where the .esp is looking for them (probably a data/meshes/modderfolder/fileitslookingfor type structure) there is not the file they are looking for.

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  • 3 years later...

Well I'd recommend using FNVEdit. THIS will merge all files together to maximize the mods w/o breaking your game.


Download it from nexus and follow this instruction. NOTICE: This is for the new version of FNVEdit!


_Install and start the FNVEdit. Press OK for her to load your esp and esm files.


_SHOULD IT STOP and result in error, this means your mod order is wrongly put. Use FOMM and just drag the files in order and walla, load the Edit again.

EX: The Edit stop for the FalloutNV is not loaded. Use FOMM and put her on top. Any mods that follow after an esm files should be treated the same if the Edit stops you so.


_Once everything in the FNVEdit is loaded, right click on the right, select "Others" to look for "Create Merge Patch".


_Make you own name of this file, then FNVE will do the rest.


_Close the Edit, and it will result in a file with your custom name. OK to save it.


Now you are good to go!

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