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Announcing 7 days to go till Large quest mod: The Hole


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In seven days time, you will be able to download the new Quest Mod "The Hole".


14 hours of gameplay, plus 6 hours of gameplay in other quest branches, this is a mod that you can enjoy right up to Skyrim.


3,000 fully voice acted lines, 14 medium to large dungeons of the kind you have never seen before, and a quest that is completely unique.


But there is a problem.


While I am committed to releasing this now, the mod still lacks some artwork. I have worked around the missing objects for now, using stock objects that look 95% right, I still would really like someone to step up and produce the last bits of artwork that are needed.


If not, so be it, but I will be pretty disappointed that after my putting in hundreds of hours into the project over the last year, if the community can't manage to help out with a half dozen new meshes and textures.


So, take a look at http://www.toomanysites.org/oblivion/thehole/ and see if you can help.


If not, I'll still release, but it may be the last time I bother.


At the link above, you'll find a list of artwork that is needed, voice actors that would be handy for replacing my default voice with, and a demo that goes through the first three levels of the first dungeon (which is a dungeon of a type you will have never seen before...)


Hopefully this will bring in some new offers, if not, so be it.

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I managed to make a "buff" version of the ogre. That will help make the muscles seem more pronunciated when I make the flayed textures.



Edited by alonsomartinez
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I will probably give this a shot when I get the chance :)


20 hours of gameplay? Impressive. I always find it funny how the length of gameplay is miniscule compared to the development time. It must really be special if it's fully voice acted and filled with custom items - It took me a week to make a heavily scripted quest that takes about 20 minutes to complete in game ;D

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Your 7 days are up...! Sounds like a mod I'd like to play, how is it going...release is when ?


Hehe, yes they are!


I got let down by a voice actor at the very last moment, literally with release due on saturday, friday night I got the mail saying 'sorry, I wont be submitting my lines afterall' - so Ive had to scrabble around to get the female Nord voices done. It was a shame cos the original actor was a great likeness to the original oblivion voice, and the replacement is a stock actor who really sounds not much at all like, but is willing and able to do a lot of lines and quickly.


So, Im just finishing the editing of these lines now, and Im really hoping to get a release within the next 48 hours.


Crossed fingers {;-)

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I will probably give this a shot when I get the chance :)


20 hours of gameplay? Impressive. I always find it funny how the length of gameplay is miniscule compared to the development time. It must really be special if it's fully voice acted and filled with custom items - It took me a week to make a heavily scripted quest that takes about 20 minutes to complete in game ;D


Hooray, always good to hear someone is interested in playing it {:-)


The 20 hours took me about 5 months of modding, pretty much 8 hours a day, and has around 30,000 lines of script code. The last 3 months Ive been busy with getting voice actors together, testing, bugfixing, and testing with other mods. Better cities made me cry as it made life quite hard, but Ive worked round it now {:-)


Its a bit disappointing because after about 12 people volunteered to voice act, only a small number actually turned in their lines, and so much of the voice acting is done by four people and a bit of tweaking with pitch and tempo for different races. However the plan is to have other people get lines in later and release updates, so, I'll be happy if that happens {:-)

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...So, Im just finishing the editing of these lines now, and Im really hoping to get a release within the next 48 hours.


Crossed fingers {;-)

I understand...being a female Nord in RL ! *grins*

But a release before the weekend would be perfect, I'll be among the first to download it. Voice acting is not da bomb for me anyway, gameplay is the important thing. Just as happy with silent voices, and would rather have that than bad voice acting...

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