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Glenvar Castle help


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Find the forum thread on Glenvar Castle on Tes Nexus. As of this morning there are 580 comments there and I think about half of them ask the same thing. It has a lot (580 comments worth) of good info along with answers on how to get past the sticky parts. You will probably need this information as the problem you are having is only the first of many sticky parts to this great mod.

The castle is worth the problems you have to go through to get it. Even after you finish the quest you will still have things to find there. Glenvar is now my character's main home in the game.

Good luck on the quest.


BTW, I found the trick for opening the door by switching between night eye, light spell and normal vision. Once you see it you will kick yourself for being so blind. It took me over two hours real time as I refused to cheat.

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