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FOMod Documentation?

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So is there any real documentation for how to create the files for FOMod installation with NMM?


I hacked something together that I think will work based on some tutorials and looking at files from a few mods I use but I can't find any actual documentation of the format and options available.


Failing actual documentation would anyone like to test my very first attempt at an installer? (I don't use NMM or MO myself.)


I've put two BETA releases on Dropbox. It's the installers that need testing not the mod itself.


In case you're curious or interested the mod is called Ring Swapper. It allows you to equip common rings on either the left or right hand using simple left and right equip controls instead of requiring crafting to remake the rings for the other hand. It is based on the "Left Hand Rings" by duggelz, "Left Hand Rings Modified" by Homercide, and "Left Hand Enchanted Rings" by juf0816. There are two options one is new and one is like the system in "Immersive Jewelry" by Forteverum. The second beta includes a custom config.txt to make the Left Hand Rings show up as rings in SkyUI's inventory and container menus.


It's now published and I decided to include the configuration file for SkyUI too.

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Thanks, yes I found that one. And used it as a base and even have a report that my first attempt at an installer worked. Unfortunately the second, which just added one more optional setting didn't. Working by example isn't something I like to do. I like actual definitions of all of the options.

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This is actually something I've been looking around for as well. Most documentation for FOMOD installers seems a bit confusing to decipher.


I might go through this documentation again and see if I can at least clean it up for a better reference. The documentation formatting is pretty terrible... lol

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I prefer editing XML manually. I do my HTML that way too. Both formats were designed to be created by hand and processed by machine.


That does look like a useful program but it still misses the important thing I wanted. Actual documentation of the options.

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I prefer editing XML manually. I do my HTML that way too. Both formats were designed to be created by hand and processed by machine.


That does look like a useful program but it still misses the important thing I wanted. Actual documentation of the options.


The readme file in the zip has a lot of details and instruction on how to use the app. I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for or not.


It did take me a little bit of experimenting to get it down right.

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