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Alien Hunters Patch Breaking Mods


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With the introduction of the Alien Hunters DLC and patch, several things have been added, changed, and outright broken. The most affected of these being mods.


Several mods I use have broken after playing the game with the new patch. Strange thing is though, they only stopped working the second time I loaded up the game.


The problem appears to be this file: XComEngine.ini (C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\Config\XComEngine.ini)

This file is created on the main menu of the game, causing it to pause for several seconds to create it. It holds several of your settings in it, mainly the graphics.


Deleting this file seemed to fix all of my Steam Workshop mods (others downloaded from Nexus seemed to be disabled, though more testing is required). The first startup of the game had the pause as a new XComEngine.ini file was created, workshop mods worked perfect.

However after exiting and starting the game a second time, several mods reverted to their broken state.


So obviously this file is part of the problem, possible the sole cause. We just need to figure out if we can work around whatever was added to the file(s) that cause this problem.


Mods that are broken:

Instant Avenger Menus (Steam)

After Action - Days Wounded (Steam)

Restart Mission (Steam)

Chooseable AWC Perks (Steam)

Stop Wasting My Time (Steam) (Possibly, no obvious indication)

Edited by Gmania123
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