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Character exhausted & can't fix it


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I slept overnight & suddenly my characted has become compeltely exhausted. In the effects menu, it says "exhausted" & "sleep" in red. I have 'diseased" mod installed but no matter if I uninstall this mod, I'm fine before I go to bed, but 'exhausted' when I wake up. Exhaustion gives a penalty to carry weight & stamina & movement speed. Can't seem to fix it. Ideas?





* Slept for 24 hours straight
* Ate all varieties of foods
* Drank heaps of cure disease potions
* Drank cure ataxia potions
* Drank cure witbane potions
* Drank cure bonebeak fever potions
* Visit all the gods & prayed at all their alters (all diseases cured)



Removed 'Diseased' mod

Slept overnight & exhaustion still came on, same as if this mod was not installed


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Removing a mod does not remove scripts that the mod was running. Those scripts will be stored in your save file and, unless they are safely removed, will continue to run over and over again and waste your computer's resources. That's why it's important to follow uninstall procedures. You can try using a tool like SaveTool to remove the orphaned scripts. It's pretty effective in a lot of situations.

If it doesn't work then your other option is to revert to a previous save.

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I recall a similar issue with one of the mods that improves the Eagle Eye perk. Every time I'd load the mod and perk the skill the next time I'd go to use the ability, my stamina would immediately fall to zero and never recharge.......ever. Even the save tool did not fix the problem. Even removing the mod from a save before I perked the point didn't fix the issue. It was in the save. Unfortunately for me, that meant I had to delete my game and start fresh.

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